
United: So Sorry, We'll Do Better Next Time

United Airlines has issued this apology for dragging an unwilling passenger off an overbooked plane to make room for some employees. His lawyer says he is now in the hospital recovering from his injuries. (No link to news articles because I could not find a single one without video.)

I stopped flying years ago -- it simply was too unpleasant, time-consuming and not worth the hassle or expense -- so I had no idea the airlines could do what United did: After offering $400, then $800, without getting enough takers, it can pick four passengers "randomly" and make them deplane, using police if necessary. First, that's no better than buying a stand-by seat. .

Second, I don't buy that the selection is random. Does anyone believe the airline would kick off a first class passenger already seated? I wonder if they didn't just pick the four passengers who paid the least for their seats and were not frequent flier members.

What's next? Will hotels overbook rooms, and when you're fast asleep in the bed, come knocking at the door with a cop in tow, telling you to vacate your paid-for room for another customer? I wouldn't be surprised. When you allow a few rich companies to dominate an industry, whether it's airlines, cable tv, internet or gas and electric companies, John and Jane Citizen get screwed. [More...]

The problem, as the New York Times says in an editorial (no video) lies in the nature of the oligopolistic airline industry.

There is no mystery why air travel has gotten so ugly.

.... This is an oligopolistic industry that has become increasingly callous toward customers as it rakes in billions in profits thanks to strong demand and low oil prices. In recent years, big airlines have squeezed seats in coach closer together, forcing average-size Americans to become intimately familiar with their knees. In addition to checked-bag fees, which have been standard on many airlines for years, more passengers are being required to pay extra for early boarding, more legroom and, in a recent insult, the right to stash bags in overhead bins.

As of February 2017, there are 186​ gates at O'Hare. United leases 77 of them, and American Airlines leases 67.

As for United, shame on them. Even more shame on the airport security cops who pulled the guy from his seat. One has been put on leave, but they all should be fired. This is the Commissioner of the City of Chicago's Department of Aviation. Their website says no tax dollars are used for their activities.

The Chicago Sun Times has this non-video article with the rules on what the airlines can and can't do.

Memo to media: You don't need to add a line to every article on every topic with whether Donald Trump has weighed in. No one cares what he thinks about anything, let alone something that has nothing to do with him. Go interview the man or woman on the street, it would be more relevant and interesting.

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    United admits they screwed up (5.00 / 1) (#5)
    by Repack Rider on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 12:58:34 PM EST
    ... an admission produced by unrelenting pressure and plummeting stock values.  

    Okay, I lied about the pressure.  It was the stock values.  But their defenders on this blog have not given up on United, defending the action and smearing the victim.

    This event, like every police shooting of an unarmed Black man, would never have been known outside the cabin if not for cellphone cameras.

    Big Brother did not realize we would be watching also.

    It was only a matter of time, ... (none / 0) (#20)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 07:49:45 PM EST
    ... before someone who loves Southwest Airlines would create the appropriate meme.

    The key word is "seated." (none / 0) (#1)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 09:33:58 AM EST
    United Airlines will no longer use law enforcement officers to remove overbooked passengers from aircraft in the wake of a video that showed a Chicago passenger dragged from one of its flights on Sunday.

    "We're not going to put a law enforcement official... to remove a booked, paid, seated passenger," United Continental Holdings Inc Chief Executive Officer Oscar Munoz told ABC News on Wednesday morning. "We can't do that."


    The key word is "seated." Gotta watch their lips and listen very carefully. ;-)

    Next time they will do what they should have done this time.

    Know that they are over booked and need to transport aircrew to this flight's destination so they can operate another flight.

    They will hold boarding until they have enough volunteers to accommodate air crew going to the destination to operate another flight.

    If they don't get enough volunteers what will they do?

    Announce the flight won't depart until they do?

    Pick names and tell them they can't go? And then block the door if they try and board?

    One thing is for sure. They aren't going to stop ferrying air crew to where/when they are needed. The logistics now are complex enough. Something like this would scramble the whole system every time a full flight had no "volunteers."

    More than likely they'll issue a ticket that says you can't board if they decide they need your seat.

    The thing I have never figured out is that hotels demand payment for a reservation if you don't show up/call and cancel and then sell the room you reserved but didn't use. And people accept that. Some hotels require cancellations a day in advance, or more, or you pay.

    The basic philosophy of air travel was that they needed to lure people to hop in an aluminum tube and risk life and limb to save time. Most of the travel was business related and missing a flight happened frequently. So overbooking was developed as a way of filling the seats with an expectation that everyone wouldn't show up.

    Now fewer seats and more people have exposed what has been a bad business practice for years. UAL is getting what it deserves.

    I don't know why htey can't tell who (none / 0) (#24)
    by ruffian on Thu Apr 13, 2017 at 12:46:10 PM EST
    were the most recent people to 'purchase' seats....ie purchase a contract to maybe get a set. Bump the most recent purchasers: Last in, first out.

    I guess that would run afoul of frequent fliers and last minute business travelers.  


    Probably. (none / 0) (#33)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Apr 14, 2017 at 10:32:22 AM EST
    Of course almost everyone is a "frequent flyer" member of one sort or the other.

    I agree that the person paying the most should receive the best. But here again a FF flying a 100,000 miles, or more, a year is most likely spending more on an annual basis than an an occasional flyer.

    Donald commented someplace that he flies 3 times a month for business. When I was in sales I averaged around 130 flights a year and over 100,000 miles a year. Yet the airlines probably made more money off of Donald because it cost them a lot less to fly him round trip HI  than my Den-SeaTac-SFO-LAX-Den trip.

    Which is why International flights are so profitable.

    There is no real answers. UAL screwed the pooch when they could have sent the needed at Louisville UAL employees another more expensive way.

    Another point is that the police appear to be getting mostly a free ride. Yes UAL is guilty, the police were their agents, but UAL didn't say attack and brutalize the passengers.


    ... and don't involve an overnight stay. I fly out in the morning and return in the evening.

    That said, since Hawaiian Airlines enjoys a near-monopoly on interisland travel, air fares are not cheap. A round-trip ticket between Hilo and Honolulu can often run over $300, even though the distance between points is only 220 miles and the flight itself is only 45 minutes long.

    Contrast that with a $600 round-trip coach ticket on Hawaiian between Honolulu and San Francisco or Oakland (the airline serves both airports with daily flights), which is 2,400 miles and five hours in length per trip segment.

    Airlines likely reap an enormous profit on those short-haul routes where they're the predominant or only game in town. A few years ago, we had to pay $250 each for a one-way ticket on Alaska Airlines from Fairbanks to Anchorage, which is the equivalent of Hilo-Honolulu in distance and flight time.

    And in 2015, I forked over $175 to American Airlines to fly from Miami to Tampa. Three months ago, I booked a $456 round-trip ticket on Southwest Airlines for my (computer-illiterate) uncle between San Diego and Las Vegas.

    Further, none of these trips involved last-minute decision-making; they were all booked weeks in advance. Not everybody has the time, luxury or opportunity to drive to their destination, even if it's only 300 miles away. And that's where the airlines get you.



    Last minute pay more for their ticket generally (none / 0) (#34)
    by Militarytracy on Fri Apr 14, 2017 at 12:06:36 PM EST
    Don't they?

    And now it turns out there are 2 Dr. David Dao (none / 0) (#2)
    by Militarytracy on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 09:49:20 AM EST
    We don't know if the right one was smeared now

    Smear campaign is right (5.00 / 2) (#4)
    by Aspidistra on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 10:38:05 AM EST
    That guy's name wasn't even released to the public when smear stories had already started circulating in the media.  Gee, who did have the injured passenger's name at that point?  Oh that's right United.

    What a toxic, toxic corporate culture.  The day after the assault the CEO sends out an email to United staff blaming the passenger (!) and also siccing private investigators on this random person to dig skeletons out of their closet from over a decade ago.  Truly no shame.


    He's doing quite well in the court (2.50 / 4) (#7)
    by McBain on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 03:18:09 PM EST
    of public opinion while United is taking way too much of the blame.  

    I hope Dao's injuries aren't serious.  I also hope he doesn't get a 7 figure civil settlement.  His behavior was childish and if he's overly compensated, it will only encourage others to do what he did.


    The incident as it unfolded at Chicago-ORD last Sunday evening was the direct result of a situation that was entirely of United Airlines' own making. O'Hare International Airport is United's primary hub for its flight operations. Almost 50% of the carrier's entire fleet of aircraft will pass through ORD at some point on any given day.

    The airline's operations management at ORD, who are responsible for flight crew scheduling, should have known well prior to the flight's departure that four seats on that particular aircraft would be needed for purposes of crew repositioning / redeployment to Louisville. And if they didn't, well, it was their responsibility to know it. There's no valid excuses for not anticipating and addressing just such a requirement before the point of no return, so to speak.

    As such, it was the scheduler's responsibility to block off those four seats for crew use on that flight's passenger manifest far earlier in the day that it was, so that any issues resulting from the prospective displacement of passengers could be handled in a more professional and competent manner, either at the lobby check-in or the gate itself, and resolved to everyone's relative satisfaction well prior to boarding.

    Why wait until passengers are boarded and seated on the aircraft itself, before finally acting to seat those four non-revenue crewmembers at the obvious expense and indignation of the company's paying customers? That's just an invitation to trouble and not surprisingly, that's exactly what United got for its operations management's logistical neglect and / or incompetence.

    More to the point, Dr. Dao had purchased his ticket, checked in, boarded the aircraft, and taken his seat that evening with every expectation of being back home in Louisville some 60 minutes hence. Unbeknownst to him, however, United Airlines had decided to convey the burden for solving its own crew scheduling problem to the passengers, as though they were supposed to decide amongst themselves who has to stay behind in Chicago.

    How exactly, then, do you perceive the good doctor to be in any way at fault here for management's decision to treat its own self-manufactured dilemma as something akin to an episode of "Survivor"?

    You have a history here, McBain, of going well out of your way to disproportionally fault civilians in any particular confrontation with authority figures, but in this specific instance, that propensity of yours is totally misplaced and completely inappropriate.

    The blame for this wholly unnecessary fiasco is entirely on United Airlines. Its corporate management needs to man up here and take ownership of what happened, and further implement some concrete steps and procedures in order to greatly mitigate the likelihood of just such a recurrence in the future.

    And if the prospect of a multi-million dollar settlement with Dr. Dao is what's required to light a fire under United's corporate a$$ and compel UAL CEO Oscar Munoz to acknowledge his company's own indifference and incompetence in the face of an obvious problem, then so be it. Otherwise, where's the incentive on the company's part to actually improve its performance, if any failure to do so doesn't necessarily hit it in the pocketbook?



    We still don't know everything yet (none / 0) (#15)
    by McBain on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 05:58:40 PM EST
    but here's where I place blame right now.

    Airline industry:  25% at fault for the practice of bumping passengers

    United Airlines:  25% for bumping Dao and others after they were seated

    Chicago police/security: 25% for allowing Dao to be injured

    David Dao:  25% for acting like a drama queen and refusing to obey police security. I feel bad for any children who had to watch his performance.

    As far as my "history", I'm one of the few people in here who see through the BS high profile/ media driven stories.


    Have you ever in your life (5.00 / 4) (#17)
    by Chuck0 on Wed Apr 12, 2017 at 07:04:27 PM EST
    ever stood up for yourself in the face of an authority figure? You seem more than willing to roll over or bend over when told to do so. And you seem to expect others to do the same.
