
Trump Immigration Plan Causes Fight, Roommate Loses Ear

Donald Trump's plans are already generating fear and loathing, resulting in violence.

In Pittsburgh, PA, a Mexican college student who is legally in the U.S. listened to Trump on TV (while drinking beer) and got in an argument with his roommate, biting off his ear and breaking his finger. It seems the assaultive roommate feared being deported. Luckily, the assaulted roommate made his way to a gas station to call police. His ear was recovered in the room and stitched back on. The assaulting roommate is gone. Both come form Mexico.

To paraphrase Trump's probable response: "What did you expect? People are angy."

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    Trump has (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ga6thDem on Thu Jan 26, 2017 at 01:30:02 PM EST
    brought out the worst in Americans of all stripes it seems.