
The Ever-Growing Toxicity of Donald Trump

We have a President-Elect whose major attributes are his ignorance, incompetence, narcissism, arrogance and immaturity, coupled with his delusional belief he is fit to be President and Commander in Chief. He is turning this country into a toxic wasteland, and he's not even President yet.

(The teenage wasteland described in the Who's 1971 song Baba O'Reilly and its predecessor Teenage Wasteland from Pete Townsend's Lighthouse, was toxic, whether it was about the tyranny of the Government in rendering its citizens powerless as laid out in Pete Townsend's never-made or understood Lifehouse opera, or about the wasteland known as Vietnam which had been littered with teenage lives in 1971, which was front and center at Woodstock, where many people did get wasted.) The video above, mostly of events in the UK with some Vietnam and sports scenes interpersed, shows anti-fascism protests, working class images and trucks warning of the danger of the "Common Market". [More...]

Trump thinks he knows better than all our national security agencies about what Russia did and did not do and its intentions with respect to the election. He's now mocking the intelligence agencies.

Here is the October 7, 2016 press release by the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security. Here's Factcheck.org on the topic.

Paul Pillar, former deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, told the Washington Post:

Everything Trump has indicated with regard to his character and tendencies for vindictiveness might be worse” than former president Richard Nixon, who also had a dysfunctional relationship with the intelligence community.

...“Given his proclivity for revenge combined with his notorious thin skin, this threatens to result in a lasting relationship of distrust and ill will between the president and the intelligence community,”....

“I see the danger of a lasting dysfunctional relationship based on the president-elect’s perception that he is being wronged by the intelligence community,” Pillar said.

Today, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Chuck Schumer and leading Armed Services Committee Democrat Jack Reed issued a joint statement saying that Russian interference in the election "should alarm every American." They said Congress must investigate further without allowing it to become a partisan issue.

My view: Trump is too Toxic to be President.

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    I just had to cruise his Twitter (none / 0) (#1)
    by Militarytracy on Mon Dec 12, 2016 at 02:20:50 PM EST
    And see who he did a drive by on lately. Now it's the F-35 program. The cost is outta control, he's gonna fix that January 20th. Ya know, all that hoopla about rebuilding the already meanest military in the world and how many more millions of dollars he was going to spend on military, and I think every contractor I know voted Trump. It's hilarious. How do you like him now contractors :)? The guy is a hoot! He burns bridges with a flame thrower.

    Your comment (5.00 / 1) (#7)
    by Nemi on Tue Dec 13, 2016 at 07:19:16 AM EST
    about burning bridges reminded me of a great quote* from the equally great late Robert Altman:

    I'm swimming through the ashes of the bridges I have burned.

    Something I, most unfortunately, can relate to but doubt is something Donald Tr*mp will ever experience or even be able to recognize. He, with his self described "good brain"(!), doesn't seem to ever regret ... anything.

    * I only just found out, that the quote by Robert Altman was from him trying to come up with a title for a fictional country song. :)
