
Send Good Thoughts to Jimmy Carter

Former President Jimmy Carter, 90, announced today that he has cancer. It was discovered after surgery for a mass on his liver. It has spread to other parts of his body.

He will be getting treatment at Emory Health Care in Atlanta. I'm sending good thoughts his way, and hope you do too.

A memorable Jimmy Carter quote: [More...]

“Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private for personal use... Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce [28g] of marijuana.”

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    His foreign policy (5.00 / 1) (#4)
    by MKS on Wed Aug 12, 2015 at 11:39:31 PM EST
    with its emphasis on human rights was very good.....much better than what followed.

    America's Greatest Living Statesman... (5.00 / 2) (#5)
    by kdog on Thu Aug 13, 2015 at 08:41:08 AM EST
    We never had to worry about Jimmy speaking on behalf of our country and embarrassing us, I can't say that about many leaders.

    May he know peace and comfort from now till death.

    It has been my privilege (5.00 / 5) (#8)
    by KeysDan on Thu Aug 13, 2015 at 10:21:51 AM EST
    to serve on the Carter Center Executive Council.   The Carter Center is a non-governmentlal, non-profit established in 1982 by President and Mrs. Carter in partnership with Emory University.

    The Center is located in Atlanta contiguous with the Carter Presidential Library and Museum. The Carter Center, with volunteers, students and some paid staff,  accomplished great things around the world through its peace and health programs.

    It  provides teaching and learning opportunities with the goal of improving life for people around the world. .  Its health programs have been particularly successful using health education, public health  measures and simple treatments to attack several preventable diseases. The organizing approach is at the grass roots level.

     Its work to eliminate river blindness and guinea worm are  truly amazing.   President and Mrs. Carter attend  Council meetings whenever their schedules permit.  President Carter, at 90, and Mrs. Carter, a few years younger, have been in robust health.   I wish the best for Mr. Carter and am grateful for the legacy he presents through the Carter Center.

    Not since Eleanor Roosevelt ... (5.00 / 1) (#16)
    by Donald from Hawaii on Fri Aug 14, 2015 at 04:48:11 PM EST
    ... and Harry Truman, has anyone other than Jimmy Carter come close to embodying the term "elder statesman" in this country. And like Mrs. Roosevelt was during her own post-White House years, President Carter has effectively become our country's moral touchstone.

    The sorriest vote of my entire life, and one which I will regret and lament until my last breath, was the presidential ballot I cast in 1980 for Ronald Reagan. I was only 19 at the time, so I can chalk that one up to youthful ignorance.

    But as the years have passed, my respect and admiration for President Carter has only grown, while my initial exuberance for President Reagan eventually -- and likely, inevitably -- gave way to disgust and dismay.

    And thank you, Dan, for your own service as a member of the Carter Center Executive Council. Regardless of whatever the man's near-term fate may be due to his illness, the Carter Center and its work on behalf of peace and humanity will serve as one of the truly great living legacies of any American political figure, in this or any other lifetime.

    Some people look back at the election of 35 years ago, and lament what might have been. I look to the Carter Center, and see what we can