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Trump/Hillary Please oh please oh please Parent
It felt like some kind of weird alignment. Parent
She can be amusing, but I've never found her insightful. Parent
On the heels of her lowest approval ratings in decades, and--in her words--the "drip, drip, drip" of unofficial State Department emails, the SNL visit appeared to be part of the "new efforts to bring spontaneity to a candidacy that sometimes seems wooden and overly cautious."
It really worked for me. Rehearsed spontaneity.
Here's a link to a famous example of a conscientious effort to bring spontaneity to a candidacy that sometimes seemed wooden... NIXON
Perhaps an inspiration for all similar schticks that followed. Parent
I suppose it's easy for Cox to play on the media's popular meme that Mrs. Clinton is such a calculating b!+ch that even her efforts to lighten it up a little are seen as entirely craven, rather than otherwise.
It's certainly a lot less likely to draw the negative attention from her own peers than, let's say, writing about the candidate's recent proposal in the wake of the mass shooting at Roseburg, OR to tighten up our nation's firearms laws.
But then, how best can we characterize a once-thoughtful writer who apparently now craves her own acceptance in the world of political punditry, that she'll simply go with the flow rather than march to the beat of her own drum?
Aloha. Parent
The Strain and Fear the Walking Dead season finales
American Horror Story on Wed.
Hope this is not OT
I'm not sold on Bernie, I'm not sold on Hillary, I'm not sold on anyone. And since we seem more interested in playing elect the homecoming queen/king, when we should be out in the streets every day willing to sacrifice our lives to make the country better, I'm sorry again, I just don't see it.
We have to be willing to die in the streets right here at home, my fellow liberals. We have to line up against the cops and the rednecks and the pols, and we have to be willing to die. But as it stands, we're not, myself included. Plain and simple. We yap. And yap and yap. We do very little else.
watch the whole thing. It's funny. Parent
SNL humanizes them, shows us they aren't afraid to just be regular people. I like seeing how they respond to this particular spotlight: can they be in the moment, let go of their inhibitions and just have fun?
Not to mention that I like the idea that somewhere, Donald Trump was watching and a vein hidden by his cotton-candy "hair" was throbbing.
I love you Dadler, love your passion and intensity, but sometimes, you know, a cigar is just a cigar, and it's okay to laugh. Parent