
Anonymous Hackers Take Down French Jihadist Forum

After threatening to retaliate for the Charlie Hebdo attacks a few days ago, hackers affiliated with Anonymous have taken credit for hacking a French Jihadist forum called ansar-alhaqq.net. But according to Mashable, the forum was only down for an hour. I just checked and it's up now. The hackers' press release says:

It is clear that some people do not want, in a free world, this inviolable and sacred right to express in any way one's opinions. Anonymous will never leave this right violated by obscurantism and mysticism. We will fight always and everywhere the enemies of freedom of speech.

Charlie Hebdo, historical figure of satirical journalism has now been targeted. Anonymous must remind every citizen that the freedom of the press is a fundamental principle of democratic countries. Freedom of opinion, speech and to publish articles without any threat, and stress is a right "inalienable." Anonymous has always fought the slayers of these rights and will never allow a person to be shot down radically for publishing an article, a drawing, an opinion.


Freedom of speech and opinion is a non-negotiable thing, to tackle it is to attack democracy. Expect a massive frontal reaction from us because the struggle for the defense of those freedoms is the foundation of our movement.

It's not clear if this effort by Anonymous members is an official Anonymous action. Anonymous has no central committee, no leaders, no hierarchy, no defined roles. Anyone can say they are Anonymous. However, the effort is being publicized in several countries and languages.

Mashable notes:

#OpCharlieHebdo hasn't received any endorsements from the more well-known Anonymous Twitter account @YourAnonNews.

On a related note, Barrett Brown will be sentenced on January 22. Some say journalists should be "chilled to the bone." (Personally, I think the two years he's been in pretrial confinement are more than an adequate punishment for his offenses.)

At a hearing the Government alleged Anonymous was an "anarchist hive." They tried to use Brown's statements to the effect he was a leader of Anonymous against him.

When questioned on whether Anonymous was an Anarchist hive Brown answered, “Anon does not like to define itself and my Anarchism is my own.”

So, as with Barrett Brown' past claims to be a leader of Anonymous (which he later said were not true) the Anonymous effort to take down jihadist websites, like previous threats Anonymous has made against ISIS, are coming from individuals, not a central command. It could involve 50 people, or 5,000. There's really no way to know.

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    How does someone rationalize (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Peter G on Sat Jan 10, 2015 at 09:35:04 PM EST
    shutting down the free speech of people who are in general agreement with the religious/political tenets of the Charlie Hebdo attackers, as a way of supposedly demonstrating to them that freely allowing the offensive speech of all is a core principle of democracy and of civilized societies?

    exactly (none / 0) (#2)
    by The Addams Family on Sat Jan 10, 2015 at 10:05:00 PM EST
    but i have noticed that Anonymous (in its various manifestations) just hates to be upstaged by anything or anyone & loves to be what it apparently regards as the center of attention

    You can't yell fire in a crowded theatre (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dadler on Sun Jan 11, 2015 at 11:23:15 AM EST
    IMO, that is the "freedom" Anonymous is attacking here.
