
Obama's NSA Reforms on Bulk Data Collection

President Obama today released his reforms to the NSA's bulk data collection program.

ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said the changes are welcome, but don't go far enough:

The president should end – not mend – the government’s collection and retention of all law-abiding Americans’ data. When the government collects and stores every American’s phone call data, it is engaging in a textbook example of an ‘unreasonable search’ that violates the Constitution. The president’s own review panel recommended that bulk data collection be ended, and the president should accept that recommendation in its entirety.”

Here is Obama's Policy Directive . The fact sheet is here. [More}

The policy directive is filled with legalese and footnotes. The fact sheet is more understandable. I'm still reading them.

Here are the recommendations made by the Review Group. The ACLU has this chart of which recommendations the President adopted and those he did not.

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