
Holder Testifies at Senate Judiciary Comm. Hearing

Attorney General Eric Holder will testify this morning at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on DOJ oversight. Many expect him to discuss DOJ's response to Colorado and Washington's recently passed marijuana legalization laws.

I doubt the objections to the laws raised yesterday by former DEA officials will sway him. When they wrote him in September 2012, before the elecion, asking him to publicly take a stand against the laws there was no response. There was silence. Here is their latest letter. The organization on the letterhead, Save Our Society From Drugs, is political action committee. [More...]

In December, in an interview with ABC News, President Obama said his administration would not make busting recreational users in states where marijuana was legal a high priority:

"We've got bigger fish to fry...It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it's legal."

That's not a change: the feds have never gone after recreational users of small amounts of marijuana. States and local governments do that.

Why don't these codgy old dodgers go after big stuff, like curing the many billions we spnend on fighting the war on drugs.

The objections they raise are as out of touch with the times as Nancy's Regan's "Just Say No."

On Feb. 26, at a meeting of state attorneys general, Holder said he'd decide on a response to the new laws soon. He mentioned concern of our interational partners. A recreational drug user is about as likely to come into contact with a cartel member as Holder: It won't happen.

The feds will continue to bust those who in their view are cultivating and trafficking commerical quantities of marijuana. It's absurd to think they give a whit about about Johnny and Sally sharing a joint after w