
The FBI's $1 Billion Face Recognition Project Proceeding as Scheduled

The FBI's $1 billion Next Generation Identification (NGI) programme is proceeding on schedule and should be fully launched by 2014. It's already in use in several states as test pilots, including Michigan, Hawaii, Maryland, and possibly Oregon.

NGI expands the FBI’s IAFIS criminal and civil fingerprint database to include multimodal biometric identifiers such as iris scans, palm prints, face-recognition-ready photos, and voice data, and makes that data available to other agencies at the state and federal levels.

The FBI page for the program is here. Here is a handy powerpoint on it from the 2010 Biometrics Conference. Here are the uses the FBI envisions for it: [More...]

  • Identifying fugitives and missing persons in FR systems
  • Identifying unknown persons of interest from images (1:N)
  • Tracking subjects movements to/from critical events (e.g., 9/11)
  • Conducting automated surveillance at lookout locations
  • Identifying subjects in public datasets
  • Identifying subjects from images in seized systems
  • Verifying mug shots against National Criminal Information Center (NCIC) records (1:1)
  • Controlling access

Here's one graphic in the FBI powerpoint:

Some ideas:

With Halloween not far away, now might be a good time to stock up on these:

Just don't forget long sleeves and gloves to hide the tattoos and shapes of your fingers.