
James Holmes Court Advisement Tomorrow

Monday morning, James Holmes, the suspect in the Aurora movie theater shootings, will be advised of the charges against him. The DA previously said in a pleading not under seal there will 12 counts of first degree murder, attempted murder and other charges.

Holmes will not be called upon to plead tomorrow. It is not an arraignment, but an advisement.

There is one motion of interest that will be heard tomorrow -- the defense request for discovery pertaining to leaks about the package Holmes allegedly sent to a psychiatrist/professor (described here.) The DA filed this response, denying it has been established that law enforcement leaked the information. The DA says the news reports got so much wrong, they may just have fabricated their stories. The DA also says their office hasn't yet looked at the contents of the package. It was the Aurora Police Department, not the FBI, who obtained the search warrant, and there was one warrant, not two. [More...]

These factual errors lead the People to believe that there may not even be a "law enforcement source" leaking" confidential information and that the media is getting information from hoaxers, fraudsters, or maybe from nobody at all by creating fake "law enforcement sources" out of whole cloth. To put it bluntly, the People are extremely dubious of the media assertions that "law enforcement sources" exist.

As to the media reports that Holmes told the cops after his arrest about mailing the package, the DA writes:

While the People have seen this report in the media, the People believe that it is just another inaccurate media report floating adrift in a sea of inaccurate media reports relating to this case. Because the People believe that it is just an inaccurate media report-and that the media outlets reporting the information may have just made it up, the People do not even know how to respond to this portion of Motion D-11.

The DA says they haven't examined the contents of the package or box:

Other stories have stated that the police are currently examining the contents of the box - again untrue, as the contents were secured and n