I want to write some diaries with analysis concerning these leaks, Department of Justice, Bork as a chief Judicial counsel for Romney, the two candidates over the next few weeks.
If you have questions or links, feel free to post them in this diary. If you don't want to post them, my contact information is in my profile. Feel free to give your opinions and/or concerns, also. You'll certainly find mine emerging over the course of these diaries.
(Please don't spam attack me... I'm still getting over a spam attack. I love Spam, Spam Spam, Spam, Spam, Baked Beans and Spam, but there comes a point of overload.)
I'd like to post the first within the next week... I'm feeling almost human, and will be until July 5, God (by whatever name, Yahweh, Allah, Asdzą́ą́ Nádleehé, Zeus, Wotan, Mahimata, Ahura Mazda, and any others left off with no offense meant) willing.
I'm looking at some recent info, actions, etc. So I'll try my hand at analysis, and make some tentative statements and conclusions, and then write about what I may do this year.
I have to look at Romney and Obama as candidates and actors, combined with their choices.
I'd like to ask for input beforehand from everyone here, especially those with whom I have had serious disagreements, to wit ABG, about the positives of your candidate, and links to articles like the Greenwood one...I don't mind if they are old links, or old gripes. My email addy is in my info. I won't quote anyone who emails my unless they state positively I can do so-- a statement such as "Feel free to quote me," or "You have permission to quote me."
With the latest information, the leaks from someone, and the appointment of Bork as the judicial advisor, I have some thoughts, but I want to gather information. I want to write some diaries on these areas.
Again, this is not about whether one likes my posts or not. This concerns analysis of information, which I've don throughout my career, military, academic, poker playing, and farming.
I hope, Jeralyn, you don't mind me asking for inform