
Clemens Acquitted On All Counts


Roger Clemens, whose hard throws intimidated even the toughest batters and turned him into one of the best pitchers in baseball history, was acquitted Monday of charges that he lied to Congress in 2008 when he insisted he never used steroids or human growth hormone during his remarkably lengthy career.

Much more to come from Jeralyn I am sure.

Update (TL): Clemens addresses the press here. Congrats to Rusty and the defense team. I think it's way past time for agent Jeff Novitsky to move on. How many millions did our government spend on Balco, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens? (And its investigation or Lance Armstrong which didn't result in criminal charges.)

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    Sounds like the US attorneys should get... (5.00 / 4) (#1)
    by magster on Mon Jun 18, 2012 at 04:28:12 PM EST
    ... out of the business of big TMZ prosecutions and stick to cases they can ethically prove to a jury.