
John Edwards Trial: Tim Toben and Andrew Young

Former Edwards campaign supporter and contributor Tim Toben was back on the stand today in the John Edwards trial. Most of the media reports I've seen don't mention the close friendship between Toben and Andrew Young.

From the acknowledgement section (page xii)of Andrew Young's book, The Politician:

To Tim Toben, I love you brother. And I love Megan and your family like my own.

Young described Toben as "the one Chapel Hill friend who still spoke to me." (p. 261.) [More...]

In 2005, Young purchased the 10 acre lot for his home from Toben. It was adjacent to Toben's house.

On December 29, about to begin their cross-country odyssey, Young drove to Toben's house to hide his car and Toben drove the Youngs and Rielle to the airport. The Enquirer had published the story that Edwards was the father of Hunter's unborn baby on December 19, 2007, and Young issued his statement claiming paternity the same day.

ABC News reports today that Toben was chosen to to ferry the trio out of N.C. because of his closeness to Edwards.

Toben, who was once so close to Edwards he was asked to sneak a pregnant Hunter out of North Carolina in the dead of night, said after Edwards quit the race he went to the Obama campaign to warn them of offering Edwards a job in the administration.

Andrew Young wrote in his book he drove to Toben's house that night to ask for his help hiding his car and getting to the aiport to get out of North Carolina. He said Toben didn't ask a single question. (page 241.) Young never says it was Edwards' idea to call Toben. Toben says Edwards called him afterwards to thank him.

Toben testified in Court today that at one time he had sent Andrew Young an e-mail asking how much he thought the sex tape was worth.

Toben said he had jokingly talked to Young about how much the tape might be worth. The defense lawyers produced a 2009 email from Toben to Young that said: "Wonder what that tape is worth tod