
John Edwards Jury to Resume Deliberations

Update: No verdict today and the jury may still be discussing the Bunny Money.

The jury will resume deliberations in the John Edwards trial today. MSNBC has graciously provided the full transcripts of closing arguments. The Judge's final jury instructions are here. Attorney and trial watcher for MSNBC Hampton Dellinger explains the possible outcomes here.

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    I just read this in a link from MSNBC. (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Angel on Mon May 21, 2012 at 06:05:55 PM EST
    "One of the exhibits they sought was a handwritten note from Mellon dated Sept. 17, 2007. Jurors requested a typed version, but U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles denied the request, saying one didn't exist, so they would have to do with the handwritten version. The contents of that note haven't been made public."

    How can the contents of the note not be public if it was part of the trial exhibits?  Was that note not part of testimony?