
Election Updates on Marijuana Reform Initiatives

Update: Congratulations, Colorado. Amendment 64 has passed.

Update 8:00 pm: Amendment 64 is winning with 64% of the vote with 42% counted. Follow on Twitter.

Update 5:30 pm (MT): The exit polls must be good in Colorado. All three local news stations are prominently featuring Amendment 64 -- more coverage than it gave the measure all year.

NORML and Law Enforcement Officers Against Prohibition (LEAP) will be blogging updates and results of the various marijuana reform initiatives on ballots across the country. Here's LEAP's recap of the various measures:

There are three three statewide measures: Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Colorado's initiative is a constitutional amendment that would legalize and regulate. Washington is a decriminalization bill. Oregon's initiative is legalization with some different twists.

  • Colorado, Amendment 64 (Results will be here.)
  • Oregon, Measure 80:
  • Washington, I-502:

On the ballot in other states: [More...]

  • Arkansas, Issue 5: Initiative to allow medical marijuana for certain conditions.
  • Massachusetts, Question 3: Initiative to allow medical marijuana for certain conditions.
  • Montana, Referendum 124: Referendum on Senate Bill 423, changing the medical marijuana law approved by voters. A Yes vote would overturn the law and further restrict medical marijuana.
  • Burlington, VT: Question to measure support for statewide marijuana legalization.

In Michigan:

  • Detroit, MI, Proposal M: Initiative amending city code to remove criminal penalties for
    possession of less than one ounce of marijuana on private property by adults (21+).
  • Flint, MI: Initiative amending