Romney Adviser Lobbied for Homosexuality to Be A Crime
Mother Jones has a new article on Romney friend and adviser Jay Sekulow, who engaged in a lobbying campaign to criminalize homosexuality and ban abortion in Africa.
Why is this important? Because Sekulow is an activist lawyer and law professor (at Regent University, a Christian law school) and a religious extremist who has argued 12 cases before the Supreme Court. Prominent court journalist Tony Mauro called him "the leading Supreme Court advocate of the Christian right."
Here is Sekulow in his own words describing his conversion to Jews for Jesus, which evolved into his becoming both a board member and general counsel for the evangelical group. After that, he says he formed a new group to fight for evangelicals:
C.A.S.E: Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism. That is what we've named the new organization which will be defending the legal rights of individuals and organizations who are telling the gospel--specifically in issues relating to access, as in parks, college campuses, street corners, and of course, airports. .... [The public] needs to hear the good news about the Messiah, and we must protect our right to tell them.
From the 2012 report, Colonizing African Values: How the Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa: [More...]