
Biden: Romney "Wants to Turn Back Time"

Joe Biden in Arvada, Colorado today:

When taking the stage, Biden reminded the crowd that tonight was end of Daylight Savings time. "It's Mitt Romney's favorite time of the year because he gets to turn the clock back," Biden said.

A new Ipsos/Reuters poll on early vote results shows Obama leading in key swing states: [More...]

  • In Colorado, where 60% of registered voters have already voted, Obama is ahead by 8 points (51% - 43%) among those who have cast their vote early.
  • In Ohio, early voters break for Obama 59% to 35%, with a third (33%) of registered voters have already voted.
  • In Florida, where 38% have already voted, Obama is ahead by 7 points (52%-45%)

Among likely voters, the results are much closer. So don't forget to vote.

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