
Former Pres. Clinton Speaking at Global Initiative

Former President Bill Clinton is about to speak at the Clinton Global Initiative. You can watch live here. Or follow on Twitter here.

UPDATE by BTD - I'll be attending the CGI this afternoon at some point and maybe tomorrow. Anything in particular anyone want covered?

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    Give a shout out to Brooksley Borne, Bill (none / 0) (#1)
    by Dadler on Tue Sep 20, 2011 at 10:25:58 AM EST
    Your idiot team of economic advisors and you, dumbas*, ignored and margninalized and basically fired the single most prescient economic analyst in the nation's history, who perfectly predicted the economic collapse caused by derivative crime, and thus you let the thieving of the nation continue unabated.  And that will always be inexcusable.  Bill Clinton, while I have appreciate for where he comes from and for some of his few "better" political instincts, I will never again have any respect for him.  He supposedly studied economics at Oxford, and therefore has no excuse for being a major accessory to the financial corruption and crime that has ruined the nation.  That he still talks about Rwanda being his biggest failure, when at the most maybe we could've kept th