
Colorado About to Tinker With Medical Marijuana Caregiver Definition

The Colorado Board of Health is up to its old tricks, now trying to change the definition of caregiver in a way that will restrict patient choice and require patients to pay for unnecessary services. From Sensible Colorado:

Once again, the Colorado Health Department (CDPHE) has launched an attack on medical marijuana caregivers. Hiding behind the Attorney General’s questionable legal interpretation, the CDPHE has rejected the proposed definition of "caregiver" as put forward by the CDPHE Medical Marijuana Advisory Board. After studying the issue, the Advisory Board concluded that providing education about medical marijuana was sufficient to meet the definition of "caregiver".


The CDPHE rejected that idea (and disbanded the Advisory Board!) and is now attempting to require caregivers to regularly assist patients with “activities of daily living” including transportation, housekeeping, meal preparation, and more. This ruling will limit patient choice and force patients to find caregivers who will not just provide quality medicine, but also provide additional, and often unnecessary, services.

The CDPHE is taking public comment on the proposed rules until April 20th, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. Please tell the CDPHE to amend their proposal to allow patients to choose what services their caregiver should provide. Send them an email and ask them to use the definition below, which includes "upon request of the patient."

“Significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient” means, IN ADDITION TO PROVIDING MEDICAL MARIJUANA, AND UPON REQUEST FROM THE PATIENT, REGULARLY assisting a patient with ACTIVITIES OF daily LIVING, including but not limited to transportation or housekeeping or meal preparation or shopping or making any necessary arrangement for access to medical care or NON-MEDICAL MARIJUANA services.”(my emphasis)

Background on the issue and the Colorado Court of Appeals decision in the Clendenin case is here. The Clendenin opinion is here. More information is available at Sensible Colorado.

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    Whatever (none / 0) (#1)
    by ScottW714 on Tue Apr 19, 2011 at 03:04:03 PM EST
    "...Advisory Board concluded that providing education about medical marijuana was sufficient to meet the definition of "caregiver""

    On what planet is this even close to a definition of caregiver.  I am all about legalization, but it's hard to argue with that nonsensical definition.

    It's like defining a teacher as a disciplinarian, it's a small portion of what they do, but not their main function, which is educating.  Which to me seems more of what they are trying to define as a 'caregiver'.

    Either way, people providing these caregiver services will simply find the very least amount of care that will satisfy the definition, say a ride to the store, charge them and extra $5, and everyone will be satisfied, they might even take the $5 off the regular service charge.

    I suspect this back and forth is going to be a continuous process for a generation or two of politics.

    Hmmm. (none / 0) (#2)
    by MileHi Hawkeye on Tue Apr 19, 2011 at 09:47:52 PM EST
    The Instrumental ADL's are defined as follows:

        * Housework
        * Meal Preparation
        * Taking medications
        * Managing money
        * Shopping for groceries or clothing
        * Telephone use
        * Using technology (as applicable)
        [Emphasis added.]

    The Department's proposed wording is as follows:

    "Significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a patient" means, IN ADDITION TO THE ABILITY TO PROVIDE MEDICAL MARIJUANA, REGULARLY assisting a patient with ACTIVITIES OF daily activities LIVING, including but not limited to transportation or housekeeping or meal preparation or shop