
House Comm. to Subpoena Holder Over "Fast and Furious"

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chair of the House Oversight Committee, said today the committee will subpoena Eric Holder over the ATF's Fast and Furious program.

This is typical Republican grandstanding. If we're going to complain about Holder, let's discuss the targeting of medical marijuana businesses or the policy on targeted killings of U.S. citizens, not guns that ended up in Mexico.

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    Seriously? (5.00 / 3) (#1)
    by jarober on Sun Oct 09, 2011 at 07:02:47 PM EST
    Because dead Mexicans - not to mention US border patrol agents - don't count?

    As much as I'd like to see the war on drugs end, this thing is pretty bad, and needs to be investigated

    Not to defend Issa (5.00 / 2) (#4)
    by BobTinKY on Mon Oct 10, 2011 at 07:27:30 AM EST
    but if that were