
Daily Mail Publishes Wrong Knox Verdict, Then Corrects

I usually like the Daily Mail reporting despite its tabloid nature. It also has good photos. Today it made a big misstep. Via Gawker and Malcolm Coles: In its hurry to be first reporting the Amanda Knox verdict, the Daily Mail got it wrong, and hit the "publish" button on a pre-written article pronouncing Knox guilty. The article even included reaction quotes from the prosecution.

Prosecutors were delighted with the verdict and said that 'justice has been done' although they said on a 'human factor it was sad two young people would be spending years in jail'.

Here's a screen grab of the article, which the Daily Mail corrected minutes later.

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    Well, that's a big oops (none / 0) (#1)
    by sj on Tue Oct 04, 2011 at 12:51:27 AM EST
    I don't fault them for having the story ready, but the quotes are bit much.  Even if they are recycling quo