
Breaking Bad Finale Update: The Season of Gus Fring

[Warning: Spoilers ahead, don't read until after you've watched the finale.]

Series Creator Vince Gilligan explains last night's finale of Breaking Bad in a must-read article in the New York Times.

My predictions on the finale were wrong. It turns out: [More..]

  • Jesse isn't interviewed by the DEA or state cops about drugs, but about ricin. And the new detective, Kalanchoe, didn't play a big role.
  • Mike never returned.
  • Saul hooks Walt up with Tio, aka Hector (but the tip really came from Jesse. )
  • Tyrus had no inside man at the DEA, he was just watching the DEA office. (He did use a syringe to fill a vial with poison but he didn't poison anyone, it was for Gus to inject into Tio. )
  • Walter gets his bomb off by convincing Tio to let him hook it to Tio's wheelchair so Tio can play suicide bomber, taking out Tyrus, Gus and himself.
  • The photo of Gus with his eye and face blown off has been on the internet for days, but everyone thought it was photo-shopped. It was real. Someone from one of the graphics labs that created it probably leaked it. (Added: or someone in the media who got an advance screening copy.) You can bet Gilligan wasn't happy about it as in one article, Giancarlo says security was so tight they were only allowed to read the script in Gilligan's office. There were no written copies.
  • There was no ricin, but Walt did poison Brock with the berries from the plant in his backyard. It was a lilly plant.
  • Walt's family and Hank and Marie are fine. So is SA Gomez. There were no crooked cops or agents.

Three things I did notice and write about in my earlier post occurred, but were inconsequential: