
Geithner Opposing Warren For Consumer Finance Board?

Tim Geithner opposing Elizabeth Warren for the Consumer Financial Protectection Bureau?

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has expressed opposition to the possible nomination of Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to a source with knowledge of Geithner's views.

Geithner has been a disastrously bad Treasury Secretary who had personal pecadilloes prior to taking the positon as well as a terrible track record in the first place, as Simon Johnson explains.

A smart political operation would use Geithner as a sacrificial lamb now and signal a turn to a more populist approach. I personally doubt this consumer bureau means a damn thing substantively, but it could make for good political theater for Dems and Obama. However, the Rahmbo operation is politically incompetent. So expect Geithner to stay and Warren to get passed over. . . . And for Dems to get creamed in November. . . . And for Rahmbo to blame the DFHs.

Speaking for me only

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    were it up to me, (5.00 / 2) (#2)
    by cpinva on Fri Jul 16, 2010 at 11:43:15 AM EST
    mr. geithner would now be lying on his back, upon