
Joe Sestak Beats Arlen Specter in PA

Sen. Arlen Specter's long career as a U.S. Senator is ending.

Mr. Specter won just three counties, including Philadelphia, but not by the huge amounts needed to offset the wins by Representative Joe Sestak everywhere else in the state.

Mr. Sestak’s campaign focused relentlessly on Mr. Specter’s party switch, saying that it symbolized his opportunism and that he was out for himself. Mr. Specter may have sown the seeds of his own destruction when he readily admitted that he changed sides to keep his seat.

Is this a sign of rage against incumbants others will feel in November? I doubt, as Governor Rendell is quoted in the Times article, that Specter lost because of the rain in Pennsylvania on Tuesday.

“The rain killed Arlen,” Mr. Rendell said dejectedly. “Whatever chance he had went down with the rain.”

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    I can't speak for other Pennsylvanians (5.00 / 3) (#3)
    by lucky leftie on Wed May 19, 2010 at 06:55:55 AM EST
    but I'm still holding a grudge against Specter for being a rubber stamp for Bush for eight long years. Our democratic leadership may have been willing to overlook t