
Louisiana Considers Adding "Drug Offender" to Driver's Licenses

Don't legislators have anything better to do? In Louisiana, a House Committee has approved a bill to have drug offenders issued special drivers' licenses that say, in big orange letters at the bottom, "Drug Offender."

The House Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committee unanimously approved House Bill 139 by Rep. Rickey Hardy, D-Lafayette, after increasing the fee assessed on offenders from $10 to $25 to cover the cost of issuing a special license with "DRUG OFFENDER" in bright orange on the bottom. Similar licenses with "SEX OFFENDER" already are issued to people convicted of certain sex crimes.

Hardy said the main goal of his legislation is to "give the officer who would stop that person a heads-up who he's dealing with, to let him know that person has been involved in criminal activity and might be armed."

People are required to show drivers' licenses for everything from writing a check to getting on a plane to entering a federal courthouse. This is nothing but a shaming punishment. It's bad policy and offensive.

If it's really just for police, why not merely require drug offenders to keep a copy of their conviction paper in their glovebox, like they do their vehicle registration and proof of insurance, to hand over with their license during a traffic stop?

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