Bill Clinton's Advice to Obama on Supreme Court Pick
Former President Bill Clinton was on ABC's This Week this morning. Jake Tapper asked him whether he'd like to be on the Supreme Court. His answer:
“I think I would enjoy it, but I don't think it would be a good idea…I'm already 63 years old, I hope I live to be 90…I love what I'm doing now and what I'm doing now is something that I'm uniquely qualified to do, whereas there are many people who could be good on the court.”
He also said both he and Hillary are too old to be put on the Supreme Court now -- not because they can't do it but because it would be better to pick someone with more energy in their 40's or 50's....meaning someone who will serve longer.
As to who Obama should pick:
“My advice to him would be to first of all see what the court is missing…The important thing is that you think they're smart and they're competent and they understand the lives of ordinary people. Now one thing I think he should think about is have we…gone too far in this process that assuming only judges can be elected? That somehow you're not qualified if you weren't a judge."
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