
"24" To End With May 24 Finale

Fox's "24" will end its run with the season finale on May 24.

I'm not surprised. Not only have their been rumblings this would be the case, but at least so far, it's been a very badly plotted season.

What's been most troubling for me is the show's reliance on not one or two, but three stereotypes of flawed, weak women. First, there's FBI Agent Renee Walker, who they turned into a zombie-like suicidal crazy person, blaming it on a past rape. Then there is Dana, who they stereotype as white trash jail bait who, despite being somehow smart enough to work at CTU, is dumb enough to slide right back and risk her job to help her ex-boyfriend, also white trash, pull off a robbery. (Now she's about to be the mole, so it remains to be seen how they finish her story. I won't be surprised if her motive turns out to be nothing more than she fell for a terrorist and is acting out of blind devotion.) Third, there's Kayla, the daughter of President Hassan, who's portrayed as weak (again because she's hopelessly over her head in love with a traitor/terrorist. [More...]

Even Chloe is played as trembling with fear as she sticks up for what's right. President Cherie Jones, the strongest female character, has barely been seen this year. And President Hassan's wife, who has all the makings of a strong character, is prevented from being viewed as such because they decided to also tag her as the cheated on spouse.

It's not that they don't know how to portray a female as a strong villain. Last year they had two. President Jones' daughter was evil but tough, and went down while still hard as nails. Same for the female terrorist who went out in an inglorious blaze.

This year the show has not been about ticking time bombs or torture. It has become banal, relying on old stereotypes of deeply flawed, weak, insecure females. If this is all the writers are able to come up with, I'll agree, it's time for the show to end and make its way to DVD heaven.

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