
The Norquist Strategy: Part 2 Of The Deal Is Spending Cuts

David Dayen:

Republicans see [The Deal] as the impetus to cut spending and essentially cancel out the stimulative properties.

In remarks prepared for the Senate floor, Republican leader Mitch McConnell [said] “This bipartisan compromise represents an essential first step in tackling the debt,” McConnell said. “[B]ecause in keeping taxes where they are, we are officially cutting off the spigot.”

Exactly. This is the entire conservative project in a nutshell – starve the beast. That’s what the most conservative Congress in history wants to do and what they will seek to do. [. . .] This deal faces a future of savage cuts to needed public services, which will diminish its positive impact. The talk of stimulus doesn’t take into account the full picture.

Precisely. The Deal is a terrible mistake by President Obama.

Speaking for me only

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    Agreed. Now we go back (5.00 / 3) (#1)
    by KeysDan on Mon Dec 13, 2010 at 06:52:54 PM EST
    to the deficit problem:  With bipartisan acknowledgement it is not a revenue problem it is a spending problem.  Hence, the government needs to tighten its belt just like householders