
Charlie Sheen Sues NY Accuser For Extortion and Theft

Charlie Sheen is fighting back. Via TMZ, he has filed a lawsuit against Capri Anderson for extortion and theft. He alleges Anderson, whom he refers to a p*rn star, demanded a million dollars not to go on national TV with her claims of what happened in a NY hotel room a few weeks ago. Sheen also says she threatened to try an have his probation revoked if he didn't pay. The demands were made by her lawyer. You can read the colorful complaint here.

Sheen says Anderson is a liar, and she admitted to police and others he acted like the perfect gentleman. He says she's a long time p*rn star in LA and had money troubles, so she moved to NY to become an escort (and, according to Sheen, a hooker.) [More...]

Sheen also claims Anderson stole his $165,000 Patek Philippe watch, and when he confronted her about it, she ran into the bathroom and wouldn't come out. Which is how security ended up getting called. According to Sheen, she admitted to others she took the watch and gave it to someone for safekeeping.

Anderson is making the media rounds. She was on GMA today and will be on Nightline tonight. According to the lawsuit, Anderson's lawyer called Charlie's lawyer and first demanded $1 million, and then in a later call, $500k. Sheen alleges Anderson's lawyer said Anderson was offered $100k to publicly tell her story. Which news agency offered her that? I highly doubt it was GMA or Nightline.

And who tis he unnamed lawyer in the complaint? The lawyer who appeared with Anderson on TV today is named Keith Davidson. I wonder if she tried to get Gloria Allred first, and Gloria turned her down.

Ugly allegations all around. I don't believe Anderson. Her story seems to grow daily. I won't be surprised to see criminal extortion charges brought.

Charlie Sheen is the highest paid actor on TV and insists he won't pay Anderson a dime. Good for him.

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