
Latest Poll: Bennet, Buck in Dead Heat, Tancredo Behind

A new poll from the Denver Post and 9News have Sen. Michael Bennet and challenger Ken Buck in a dead heat. Three weeks ago, Buck was leading by five points.

In the Governor's race, Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper has a good lead on Tom Tancredo. The poll shows he's got more support than Tancredo and the Republican candidate, Dan Maes, combined. Results here.

Tancredo is ratcheting up the ads against both Maes and Hickenlooper. [More...]

Tancredo's campaign spent about $60,000 on the ads, which are airing more than a dozen times a day on some rural radio stations and some television stations.

If Maes, drops out this week, as Team Tancredo is asking him to do, will it help either Tancredo or Ken Buck? I doubt it will help enough for Tancredo, but if it causes more Republicans to vote, it could be a problem for Bennet.

This election will be close. Democrats really need to get out and vote.

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    In Bucks mind (4.00 / 0) (#15)
    by kdm251 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 at 12:05:50 AM EST
    Female victims of rape and incest should probably be jailed for not fighting back hard enough.

    I really don't see how Maes is any crazier than Buck, and Tancredo is all about hating people with brown skin.  The GOP really has some winners in Colorado.  I can't wait to see a gelatinous tub of goo named Mike May get the nomination for governor in 2014

    Why would (none / 0) (#1)
    by Ga6thDem on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 04:44:24 PM EST
    more Republicans vote if Maes drops out? I would think it would cause less to vote if anything.

    because some won't (none / 0) (#4)
    by Jeralyn on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 05:00:15 PM EST
    vote for Maes but would feel bad about voting for an Independent rather than the Republican. If Maes drops out, Tancredo becomes the de facto Republican.

    Republicans have a real dilemma (none / 0) (#5)
    by christinep on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 05:03:17 PM EST
    in the CO gubernatorial race where they are more than conflicted about "deserting" their party to vote for the person who many of them view as putting their party in a divided situation--T. Tancredo. Many straightline Republicans are having trouble making that decision. (For the reasons why they might not be able to support D. Maes, suffice to say that the Denver Post termed his candidacy inappropriate, unsupportable, etc. and called for him to drop out on two occasions. There is a history of apparent dishonesty in Maes past...that is putting it mildly.)  So...oft times when people are conflicted as a number of CO Republicans are experiencing now, they might not get to the polls.  You know, enthusiasm dampens, lethargy sets in.  Of course, if Maes fails to capture at least 10% of the vote, the Republican party risks, by law, losing majority party status for the next election since the gubernatorial race is determinative of status.  Think about 2012 and the monetary ramifications and location & identification on the ballot ramifications of that.

    While the political me is tempted to make a sneering laugh....  Well, I've wondered if the CW about conflicted voters might play out differently. Namely: what if Repubs in the voting booth cast their vote for Dem Hickenlooper and then these normally party-loyal voters feel guilty, then cast a quick vote on the next line for Republican Buck?  In this case, I'm really rooting for the Conventional Wisdom that the conflicted ones stay home. (Some evidence to date is found in the return rate of Republican mail-in ballots, since they are running a bit behind the Dems returned ballots to date.)


    Didn't Republicans (none / 0) (#12)
    by MKS on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 05:41:34 PM EST
    turn in more advance ballots in 2008 than Democrats?

    I did some phone calls to Colorado in '08 and somehow remember that to be the case.


    I believe so (none / 0) (#13)
    by christinep on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 05:53:45 PM EST
    That is usually the case. But, I can't remember the ratio.

    Well (none / 0) (#14)
    by Ga6thDem on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 06:16:13 PM EST
    my thinking is pretty close to conventional wisdom on this one. I would think that Maes dropping out would make GOP turnout lower. I mean if they can't at least vote for Maes to keep the GOP on the ballot why show up unless you're only interested in voting against the D. I can't imagine Tancredo's base would expand by much if Maes dropped out because you would have to consider the fact that a good number of people were voting for him just to keep the GOP on the ballot

    Some of the best ads (none / 0) (#2)
    by christinep on Sun Oct 24, 2010 at 04:46:35 PM EST
    against Ken Buck in recent days are his foot-in-mouth comments of the past week. They include: The fiasco of his performance on last week's Meet The Presss when he compared gays to alcoholics; his comment mid-week that he agreed with very conservative Sen. Inhofe that "global warming is a hoax" (note: Buck went beyond the usual conservative claims that "warming may exist, but that it stems from natural--not manmade--causes; he went directly to denying well-understood scientific data in Colorado, a state with a historically strong & demonstrated environmental interest.); then, his strange refusal to answer question put to him on a televised debate last night about whether he still opposed allowing abortion in cases of rape and/or incest as well as his evasion in respon