
New Lows in Media Coverage: ABC and Andrew Young

Why is ABC so heavily promoting its segment tonight with Andrew Young, author of the sleaze book on John Edwards? I have gotten an e-mail from ABC every few hours today. Their website is filled with news and details of his appearance. So is GMA, they've been hyping it all week. I wouldn't watch Young, a self-promoting scam artist, if they paid me.

Young is not an unbiased journalist. He has a past filled with transgressions, from tax liens to misdemeanor convictions. He's out to make money. He's trying to bury Edwards. I hope no one buys his book.

As for the sex tape he's trying to peddle, the court put a kabosh on that for the time being, granting Rielle Hunter's motion for a temporary restraining order preventing him from disseminating it. A hearing will be held Feb. 8. [More...]

As for the domestic call made to the Edwards' home in October, 2008, Elizabeth called the police saying John had taken her wallet and credit cards and that he wasn't living there. She said he wasn't being violent. All that shows is that the Edwards were separated in 2008. Not surprising, considering it was two months after he went public acknowledging his affair with Hunter.

The only issue worthy of attention is the grand jury investigation into whether campaign funds were illegally funnelled to Rielle Hunter with John Edwards' knowledge. Even Young, whose testimony before the grand jury was purchased with "limited immunity" has said he doubts it.

A few last words on Young:

Although Young is sometimes now described as Edwards’s former “finance director,” and although it’s true that he did do some fund-raising, his primary role was that of the ne plus ultra factotum. His duties revolved around the most menial of chores, from picking up Edwards’s dry cleaning to shuttling him to and from the airport to (literally) taking out his trash.

Among Edwards’s more senio