
Charlie Sheen Hearing Postponed, Wife Hospitalized

The hearing to modify the protective order preventing Charlie Sheen and his wife from having contact was set for yesterday. Both requested permission to appear by phone, and the Judge denied it. Then Brooke Mueller's lawyer filed to continue the hearing until Friday because Brooke was undergoing oral surgery. That was granted.

Brooke's oral surgery did not go well. She is in the hospital in intensive care with pneumonia and an infection from the surgery.

Sheen has been at the hospital, but not allowed to speak with her, although she knows he is there. Today, the Judge signed an order allowing them to have contact while she is in the hospital.

Sheen's lawyer has now filed a motion to continue Friday's hearing which will be addressed tomorrow. Our prior coverage is here.

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    This is so really sad (none / 0) (#1)
    by cawaltz on Wed Jan 20, 2010 at 11:39:29 PM EST
    I hope she gets better and that they both are able to get help to prevent what happened to put them in court from occuring again.
