
UK to Host International Summit on Yemen, U.S. to Attend

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown today announced a global summit on aid to Yemen to assist the country in eliminating the increasing number of radical extremists and al Qaida members who have moved there, in hopes of making it their next safe haven.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will attend.

Mr Brown will spend the next few days attempting to persuade Saudi Arabia, which borders Yemen, and other Gulf states to join forces with Britain and the US.

Brussels has expressed strong support for the initiative. The Prime Minister hopes that, between them, they can provide enough aid to offer Yemenis an alternative to radical Islam ....Mr Brown said yesterday: “The international community must not deny Yemen the support it needs to tackle extremism.”

This is welcome news. [More...]

As I have been saying, military strikes, freezing the release of Gitmo detainees to Yemen and more mass imprisonment just amount to a band-aid and do nothing to get to the root of the problem. Slicing and dicing the intelligence failures and increasing airport security also are not a permanent fix.

Yemen will become a failed state without aid. Between the rebel tribes in the north, the secessionists in the south and al-Qaida, the Government is out-matched. Add to that its dwindling oil reserves, critical lack of water and horrendous prison system that just breeds more terrorists, and it's a certainty Yemen can't fix its problems on its own.

Saudi Arabia cleaned its country of al Qaida, but they didn't disappear, they just moved to Yemen because it was the easiest place to make a new start. They are co-opting the tribes people, offering them more than the Government offers, which makes them allies not enemies. That has to change.

And it's in Saudi Arabia's best interest to help because the newly reconstituted al Qaida Arab Peninsula (AQAP), has made it abundantly clear they are targets too. There was the August, 2009 "anal cavity" suicide bomber who tried to blow up the Prince in his presence. There was the October, 2009 shootout at the Saudi-Yemen border which killed Saudi guards and AQAP leader Said al-Shihri's brother in law, Yussef (another former Gitmo detainee) who was trying to smuggle 35 suicide vests into Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia and Yemen share a border. In addition to security is