
3 Gitmo Detainees Sent to Yemen, Ireland

Alla Ali bin Ali Ahmed, an innocent Yemeni stranded at Guantanamo for months after being ordered released by a U.S. District Court Judge, has been sent home to Yemen. Judge Gladys Kessler's May opinion is here. (pdf.)

Two other Gitmo detainees have been sent to Ireland. Their names haven't been released yet. Here's a chart with the names of those ordered released but still detained in red. The New York Times has this list of countries that have accepted Guantanamo detainees.

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    If It Wasn't For Those Meddling Judges (5.00 / 0) (#3)
    by john horse on Sun Sep 27, 2009 at 07:35:39 AM EST
    who keep insisting that the government provide evidence to prove their allegations, there wouldn't be a problem. (sarcasm alert)

    As maddog points out in his comments "GW was right that it (Guantanmo) would be difficult to close."  And I agree.  Its real hard work keeping men incarcerated based on insuffici