
RIP: Sen. Ted Kennedy Has Died

Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy passed away last night at his home in Hyanis Port. He was 77.

May he rest in peace. He will be missed. I'm at a loss for words right now, so I've posted some photos below:

Here's a photo I took of him, a year ago today, at the DNC in Denver.

And a great photo of him and Caroline at the DNC:

One I think shows his elegance and charm:

With this one being my personal favorite:

The best collection of photos of Teddy and his entire family I've seen is in Ted Kennedy: Scenes from an Epic Life.

R.I.P. Teddy, thank you for your lifetime of service and dedication to our country.

TalkLeft extends its most heartfelt condolences to his family. He is a legend and a giant who will forever occupy a special and unique place in history.

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    Aw, no. (5.00 / 6) (#1)
    by Tony on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 12:57:12 AM EST
    Darn it!  RIP, Senator Kennedy.

    Not unexpected (5.00 / 9) (#2)
    by MO Blue on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:06:40 AM EST
    and very sad nonetheless. The Senate will be poorer without his presence.

    Condolences to his family.

    The world is poorer (5.00 / 6) (#3)
    by gyrfalcon on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:16:56 AM EST
    The world IS much poorer without that generation (5.00 / 1) (#25)
    by cpa1 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:07:36 AM EST
    of Kennedys who looked to make things better.  When Eunice died recently I stopped and thought about what these brothers and sisters did and looked for something similar in the Republican Party, because those arrogant GOP dilettantes don't ask why not, they ask why not for me.  

    Ted's death ends an era that may be gone forever.  How different would America have been if Teddy beat Jimmy Carter and he ran against Reagan.

    He was a great guy, who just like his brothers and sisters cared to make life better for everyone and had the audacity to make his wealthy friends pay their fair share.  That is quite a legacy.


    What could Congress do to (5.00 / 12) (#4)
    by oculus on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:26:15 AM EST
    honor Sen. Kennedy?  Pass universal health care bill.  AP

    Thanks for posting the pictures, Jeralyn (5.00 / 6) (#5)
    by shoephone on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:31:31 AM EST
    Those images say a lot.

    Aw, dammit. (5.00 / 4) (#6)
    by Fabian on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:40:25 AM EST
    He did good work and Good Works.

    Godspeed, Senator.

    The Kennedy Boys (5.00 / 8) (#9)
    by caseyOR on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:46:37 AM EST
    That's how my mother has always referred to Teddy and his brothers. And now the last of the boys is gone.

    I have no memory of a time when a Kennedy did not loom large over the American political scene. The first presidential campaign I remember is 1960. Always a Kennedy.

    Such a loss.

    My condolences to his loved ones.


    Makes me feel (5.00 / 4) (#14)
    by gyrfalcon on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 02:57:49 AM EST
    very old.  Fascination with politics began for me, too, in 1960, with JFK's convention.  Impossible to fully come to terms with the concept of a world without one of the "Kennedy boys" at the center of it.

    Me too (5.00 / 1) (#28)
    by BarnBabe on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:16:01 AM EST
    My Mother's political interests became my political interests. They were such an interesting family. You really had to be there in the 60's. The name will live on but the last of the brothers has passed on. 47 years in the Senate. He died before his time.

    I don't remember (5.00 / 5) (#7)
    by TomStewart on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:41:45 AM EST
    a time without Ted Kennedy in the Senate, fighting for us. A truly sad day...

    There went a giant (5.00 / 11) (#8)
    by FreakyBeaky on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:45:04 AM EST
    He leaves no adequate replacement.

    The Lion of the Senate (5.00 / 5) (#10)
    by otherlisa on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 01:52:01 AM EST
    He will be missed. My condolences to his friends, family and loved ones.

    I was not (5.00 / 7) (#11)
    by JamesTX on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 02:05:53 AM EST
    expecting that, but I should have known. I weep. He was the enduring hope and inspiration so many of us -- the constant and unrelenting voice of humanity and compassion through it all. He calmly stared down the whole rotten army of the conservative movement, unaffected by their poison.

    The Kennedy Sons (5.00 / 9) (#12)
    by cal1942 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 02:17:29 AM EST

    All died while serving their country with honor and distinction.

    Also (5.00 / 3) (#13)
    by gyrfalcon on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 02:54:33 AM EST
    Kick and Eunice.  Even Rosemary in her way.

    Ted Kennedy (5.00 / 3) (#18)
    by mmc9431 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 06:16:35 AM EST
    In this new era of post partisanship and Blue Dogs, the strength of Ted Kennedy will be truly missed. He was never ashamed of his "liberal" label. And he never forgot what the Democratic Party stood for.

    so true and that sums it up completely (none / 0) (#33)
    by cpa1 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:25:42 AM EST
    RIP (5.00 / 2) (#19)
    by andgarden on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 06:35:19 AM EST
    Goodbye Ted.

    The end of an era, for sure, (5.00 / 6) (#20)
    by Anne on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 06:59:37 AM EST
    and what saddens me, beyond the loss of this man who was devoted to public service, is that while I think there are some in politics today who have the intelligence and willingness to stand up for principle and speak for those who cannot, I don't see the powers-that-be or the media encouraging it or nurturing it in any substantive way.  So much more emphasis on the wow factor and celebrity and so much less on commitment to principle and ideals and the good of the nation.

    I can't help but feel like Kennedy is one of the last true liberals, and with his death, we lose a little bit more of what being a liberal meant, and it will be that much harder to push back against a "progressive" movement that has embraced incrementalism, too easily excuses its move to the right and does not appreciate what it means to let go of long-standing, true liberal ideas and ideals.

    Really just a terribly sad day for his family and friends, for the country he loved, for the Senate which has already felt the impact of losing the liberal influence of the Lion of the Senate, and - selfishly - for those of us who are still proud to call ourselves liberals.

    Sad for the country (5.00 / 3) (#22)
    by ruffian on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 07:45:33 AM EST
    There really is no one left with his strong voice for the disadvantaged. Even people who disagreed with him will miss his influence more than they even realize.

    Kudos to James Carville for keeping it real on CNN this morning. In the midst of the expected expressions of good will from both sides of the aisle, and the CNN announcers trying to act like Kennedy was universally loved because he 'brought people together', Carville pointed out that he was the target of some of the worst of the right wing vitriol over the last 30 years. "They hated him", Carville came right out and said. Let's not pretend any different.

    I adore Carville (none / 0) (#32)
    by cpa1 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:23:59 AM EST
    He says what we are all thinking in he tries to remind the idealists in the Democratic Party that we are at war with the dilettante cry babies of the Republican Party.  Ted stood up to them and wasn't afraid of them.

    I don't see a lot of Ted in Obama, unfortunately.  


    Keeps his eye on the ball (none / 0) (#36)
    by ruffian on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:31:51 AM EST
    So did Ted, even when using his charm to disarm.

    And who became president? (none / 0) (#37)
    by Lacey on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:36:38 AM EST
    That may explain  why Obama's approach is different. In the end it's the results that matter and Ted has a long list of results. Perhaps we could wait longer than eight months before determining whether Obama's approach does not bring about the same successes.

    Obama is conservative (5.00 / 1) (#65)
    by Dadler on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 10:33:04 AM EST
    Kennedy was not.  That much is already crystal clear.

    RIP, Teddy, and do us a favor by haunting Obama just a little with your progressive sprit.



    Sorry, but Obama is not a conservative (none / 0) (#68)
    by Lacey on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 11:22:54 AM EST
    He may be a centrist, but I still think it's too early to pass judgment. But to call him a conservative really borders on foolish.

    please stay on topic (none / 0) (#70)
    by Jeralyn on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 12:21:22 PM EST
    this thread is about the passing of Sen. Kennedy. It's not about Obama and your views of him.

    From the other side of the aisle.. (5.00 / 3) (#23)
    by coast on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 07:45:40 AM EST
    he will be missed.  He was a man who fought for what he believed in, and I have the utmost respect for him in that regard.  Thoughts and prayers to the Kennedy family.

    Amazing to think of all he witnessed (5.00 / 3) (#24)
    by ruffian on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 07:56:47 AM EST
    firsthand, from a very young age, of people at their very best and very worst. Seems to have given him a great way with people and that sense of humor.  I think that was the source of his hope and faith in people, including himself - he knew the good they were capable of even though it might not be visible much of the time.

    A true leader has passed. (5.00 / 2) (#26)
    by ChiTownDenny on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:11:24 AM EST
    Sen. Ted Kennedy will be remembered for his leadership, fighting the good fight, on many of the inequities inherent in our society.  Particulary now, with so much at stake, his leadership will be missed.
    Godspeed, Sen. Kennedy.

    The first vote I ever cast (5.00 / 2) (#27)
    by BobTinKY on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:12:07 AM EST
    was for Sen. Kennedy in the 1980 RI Presidential primary.  

    With all due respect to President Carter, I remain very proud of that vote.

    the right wing (5.00 / 3) (#31)
    by Capt Howdy on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:23:03 AM EST
    wont have Ted Kennedy to kick around any more.

    I think you should really delete that vile "drowning" comment upthread.

    it's been deleted (5.00 / 1) (#66)
    by Jeralyn on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 10:55:38 AM EST
    BTD caught it. I've banned zapped that commenter. He was posting from outside the U.S. btw.

    " The Dream Will Never Die" (5.00 / 2) (#38)
    by Saul on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:38:21 AM EST
    the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.

      Now they are all gone.  Now they are altogether.

    A family filled with good causes for the common man have all left us now.

    I hope his death has not been in vain.  The greatest tribute to him by his fellow democrats is to pass a meaningful universal health plan.
    Maybe even name it after him.  The Ted Kennedy Health Act or words to that effect.

    Goodbye my friend.  

    Teddy will be laid to rest at Arlington (none / 0) (#71)
    by MKS on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 12:24:07 PM EST
    I hope with his brothers....

    The most poignant place at Arlington is Bobby's grave.  An unmarked simple, white cross down the hill a few yards from JFK's eternal flame....

    It is a very sad day....


    All of us sinners should be so lucky (5.00 / 7) (#40)
    by inclusiveheart on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:39:26 AM EST
    as to have the opportunity to make as many positive contributions to the well being and welfare of so many people in this country as Ted Kennedy did after that horrible accident.

    We would have been a far poorer nation on so many levels if the people during that time had simply thrown Sentator Kennedy in the trash heap of humanity because of that event.  Maybe you should think about that.  I think that we all should think about that when we find that someone has sinned - think about how to bring out the best in them - rather than damning them to hell on earth - because at the end of the day, there is always a possibility that we are denying ourselves the good that can come from people - even if they have sinned in the past.

    This is a response to (5.00 / 2) (#60)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:48:01 AM EST
    an offensive comment I have deleted.

    But it is a wonderful comment and I want it to stay up.

    No more responses to the troll drowning please, who will be banned just soon as Jeralyn is available.


    Thank you (5.00 / 1) (#62)
    by sj on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:57:47 AM EST
    Both for preserving inclusiveheart's comment and for dealing with the troll.  Hopefully it will get bored soon.

    A very full life... (5.00 / 1) (#43)
    by kdog on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:43:20 AM EST
    and now hopefully a better place of peace...RIP Mr. Kennedy.

    A very sad day (5.00 / 1) (#50)
    by mmc9431 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:26:14 AM EST
    Although I've expected to hear of Ted Kennedy's passing for months now, it wasn't until I read the news that the full impact hit me.

    Puttering around the house all morning I've been racking my brain trying to think of any Senator that will be able to step up to the plate and take on the leadership role for the liberal wing of the party.

    I can't think of one that has, not only the power of their convictions, but also the political clout to assume the role.

    Maybe Anne is right and the liberal movement is over. I sure hope not.

    A giant has passed (5.00 / 2) (#52)
    by Big Tent Democrat on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:31:08 AM EST

    May he rest in peace. (5.00 / 1) (#53)
    by scribe on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:31:30 AM EST
    He will be missed and is already.

    Very well said. (none / 0) (#58)
    by lilburro on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:44:44 AM EST
    RIP Senator Kennedy.

    I had the very great fortune (5.00 / 1) (#57)
    by domer5000 on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:40:32 AM EST
    to be a member (upaid) of Ted Kennedy's presidential campaign in 1979 and 1980.  It was an experience that changed my life.  While I knew this day was coming, I still cannot express the emptiness and sorrow I feel at his loss.  

    Goodbye Ted (tearing up)... (5.00 / 1) (#69)
    by desertswine on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 11:29:02 AM EST

    Ah jeez. Thoughts and prayers. (none / 0) (#39)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:38:29 AM EST
    RIP Mr. Senator.

    At a loss (none / 0) (#41)
    by CST on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 08:39:44 AM EST
    RIP Teddy, you will be greatly missed.

    His death could be the catalyst needed (none / 0) (#44)
    by Saul on Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 09:04:33 AM EST
    to push the health care bill forward to a meaningful conclusion.