
Global Exposure in Financial Derivatives Surpasses One Quadrillion Dollars

When I posted the lowest responsibly sourced figure for global exposure in financial derivatives, $592 trillion, published May 19, 2009 by the Bank of International Settlements, all sorts of hoodoo apologists for Obama, Geithner, Summers, and Goldman Sachs crawled out the woodwork to claim that this figure is ridiculously exaggerated, there's really nothing to worry about, it's just a few bucks, and so on.

All the same hoodoos unfailingly claimed that it's stupid to consider worst-case scenarios when you calculate risk, because...

They have learned absolutely nothing from the ongoing financial meltdown which annihilated some of the oldest and largest investment banks in the world, and plunged the global economy into an almost vertical downturn.

So, since even the lowest reasonable figure for global exposure in financial derivatives attracts so much obfuscation and denial, I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, and offer up a much larger and probably more accurate estimate, which also includes the huge market in off-the-books derivatives, instead of only considering the OTC market upon which the previous calculation by the Bank of International Settlements was based, and that estimate is...

$1.4 quadrillion.

That's more than one million piles of money, with a billion dollars in each pile.

In previous posts I also considered the total exposure of the federal government from various programs designed to bail out the banking establishment, $23.7 trillion, which was calculated by Special Treasury Department Inspector General Neil Barofsky, one of the very few watchdogs charged with overseeing Geithner/Paulson/Summer's infinite generosity to the banks, and why should we believe a mere inspector general, when we can rely on unsourced estimates from right-wing hoodoos?

So in the interests of complete fairness, balance, impartiality, and pandering to ignorant hoodoos who insist on nothing but sunshine in the news, I am also offering up a much smaller figure for the total bailout exposure of the federal government, extracted from the most reputable of the many sunshine blogs selling all-is-well scenarios all over the internet, and that low-ba