
Obama Citizen Briefing Book Out

The White House has released the first ever Citizen Briefing book (pdf), "composed of ideas submitted by ordinary people and reflecting the enthusiastic engagement from the public we saw throughout the course of Change.gov."

125,000 users submitted over 44,000 ideas and cast over 1.4 million votes, with the most popular ideas accumulating tens of thousands of votes each. This book contains some of the top ideas, broken into groups by issue area. You can tell how popular each idea was by looking at the number next to it – it represents how many people voted for the idea, with 10 points awarded for each positive vote.

The number one vote getter, by miles: Legalizing marijuana (90,000+ points, p. 26) Also high-up: Ending the war on drugs (40,000 + points) and Stop using federal resources to undermine states’ medicinal marijuana laws, (60,000+ points.)

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    if you'll recall, (5.00 / 0) (#2)
    by cpinva on Thu May 14, 2009 at 09:07:10 PM EST
    The number one vote getter, by miles: Legalizing marijuana (90,000+ votes, p. 26) Also high-up: Ending the war on drugs (40,000 + votes) and Stop using federal resources to undermine states' medicinal marijuana laws, (60,000+ votes.)

    pres. obama publicly stated he was less than enthused by this prospect. so far, his spi