
Newspaper Series Debunking Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Immigration Policies Wins Pulitzer

Sheriff Joe Arapaio is a national disgrace. Among the Pulitzer prizes awarded today was one to Ryan Gabrielson and Paul Giblin of the East Valley Tribune (Mesa, Arizona) for its coverage of Arpaio's immigration enforcement policies.

The Pulitzer committee noted that Gabrielson and Giblin received the award for “their adroit use of limited resources to reveal, in print and online, how a popular sheriff’s focus on immigration enforcement endangered investigation of violent crime and other aspects of public safety.“

Arpaio makes a mockery of the Constitution. Here's the five part series that won the Pulitzer. TalkLeft's posts on Sheriff Joe over the years are assembled here.

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    The sad part is (none / 0) (#1)
    by Mikeb302000 on Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 05:43:23 AM EST
    that among the conservatives he's become something of a hero for all the notoriety. I think more people have been justifiably outraged at his nonsense, so in the end there's more good than bad.  Besides, those right-wing folks who applaud his attitudes can't be reasoned with anyway.