
Gallup: Americans Favor Investigations Of Bush Administration

In a way, this Gallup poll result is stunning:

While no more than 41% of Americans favor a criminal investigation into any of the matters, at least 6 in 10 say there should be either a criminal investigation or an independent probe into all three [torture, DOJ firings and politicization and warrantless wiretapping.] This includes 62% who favor some type of investigation into the possible use of torture when interrogating terrorism suspects, 63% who do so with respect to the possible use of telephone wiretaps without obtaining a warrant, and 71% who support investigating possible attempts to use the Justice Department for political purposes.

(Emphasis supplied.) But to be honest, what it really is is a lesson in how poll results are so dependent on the question asked. I'll explain on the flip.

What does Gallup do here in this question that leads to this result? It is simple - it provides 3 alternatives instead of the usual 2. Now this very well may be the fairest way to present this question. It certainly presents the 3 alternatives being discussed today (criminal investigations, truth commissions, do nothing.)

My point is not to denigrate Gallup's question - I think it is well designed. It is to point out that if instead the question had been presented, for example, as between a generic "investigate" vs. "do nothing," the results would have been around 55-58% for "investigating." Indeed, I betcha Rasmussen will come out with a poll on this that will have it closer to 50% (I predict Ras will make it a binary choice, will skew even the binary choice question, and will screen for "likely voters" using its tightest possible screen in order to make the number lower. Ras is after all a GOP hack, especially on issue polling.)

But back to the subject of the poll - investigations of the Bush Administration. Certainly this poll is powerful ammunition for someone like Senator Leahy in his push for a "Truth" Commission. I think it is also a warning for the Obama Administration - any Bush-like moves by it, such as its embrace of the Bush expansive view of the state secrets doctrine will damage the Obama Administration. If in fact, as I suspect, the motives are political for its stance, then it need to rethink its position on these subjects. I think they are misreading the politics. Of course on the substance, they are dead wrong, but I think it is important to also point out they are wrong on the politics.

The Obama Administration can not take its cues from the Ruth Marcuses, Stuart Taylors and other Beltway Gasbags. By now, the Obama Administration should be aware that the Beltway is completely out of touch with the country. Playing to Broder is a losing move politically.

Speaking for me only

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    Leahy running a Truth Commission (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by MKS on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 12:08:45 PM EST
    is looking likely.  Obama may not be involved at all.  Getting at the truth, though, is what counts most.

    Sure, the truth counts, (5.00 / 1) (#10)
    by OldCity on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 01:12:47 PM EST
    but our standing in the world should matter, too.  It's clear we violated treaties we helped to write and insisted that other countries comply with.  Thus, our deviations from those agreements have to be documented by us.

    The whole, "Looking forward", thing is great, provided we can do so with the full knowledge and understanding of what we've already done, and how that should color our actions in the future.  

    It's too easy to just walk away from the Bush years.  I've got no expectaiton that we'll see many (any?) people jailed or even prosecuted.  But, we must not point to the election as the sole repudiation of the Bush/Cheney years.        

    The "Bush years" include (5.00 / 1) (#11)
    by oculus on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 01:54:35 PM EST
    D. Feinstein, J. Rockefeller, and many others, who may not want a Truth Commission unearthing their involvement.

    Also includes the Dems . (5.00 / 1) (#12)
    by SoCalDem on Thu Feb 12, 2009 at 02:08:57 PM