
Political Bargaining And The Opt Out

Jane Hamsher rails against those of us who support the opt out provision for the public option. It is amusing to me in the sense that single payer advocates rail against Hamsher and the rest of us for selling out single payer.

Just goes to show you, there is always someone more outraged than you are. Now, on the substance, Hamsher is wrong. Harry Reid went with a public option, in part, BECAUSE of the opt out. I believe that without it, he never would have put a public option in. I could be wrong, but that is my judgment. Now the question is where are we with regard to future political bargaining. I think there are two main questions in the health care reform process - the public option and the financing mechanisms. The question now is how do you move forward? Without forcing reconciliation, the public option is dead. (Could be that the health care bill is dead as well. Not sure I see how this needle gets threaded without using reconciliation.) More . . .

The most important outside player in all of this remains the unions. At this point, I think their highest priority is to eliminate the excise tax. I think they would sacrifice the public option for its elimination. Given their role and obligations, I certainly do not blame them.

So who will fight for the public option? I am not sure, but Hamsher seems more interested in shooting at people like me, who supported the Opt Out, than dealing with the Obama Adinsitration and its allies, who are advocating for dropping the public option in its entirety.

The evolution seems complete. Hamsher now stands as the purist of sorts. The single payer advocates must be chortling somewhere. I think the question must be raised - do you believe in the nose under the tent or not? Jane has to ask herself that question and decide whether she wants to oppose the health care bill or not. If the Opt Out Public Option is not worth fighting for in her opinion, then time to say so. Then it becomes time to oppose the bill.

I support the Opt Out Public Option and will continue to support it. Others have to decide now where they stand on it.

Speaking for me only

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