
Getting Acquainted With the 9/11 Defendants

Today, many of us are only familiar with Khalid Sheik Mohammed or Ramzi Binashibh, who have garnered the most press. Months from now, those of us who follow these cases will know the histories of all five 9/11 defendants like the back of our hands. Here's a helpful primer of links for those who want to get a head start.

Short Profiles of the Soon to Be 9/11 Defendants:

Individually, With Lots of Links


If you want to see the Government's version, check out this military link to the individual transcripts and summaries of evidence of the Combatant Status Review Tribunals. Here are the Military Commission Charges Against the Five 9/11 Detainees (individual links here.) Here is the Defense Department press release announcing the death penalty would be sought. The publicly available pleadings filed in those proceedings are here.

TalkLeft has been covering Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh since 2002. My first post complaining about kidnapping and questioning Mohammed's young son's was in 2003. Here's an interview Mohammed and Binalshibh gave to al Jazeera's London Bureau Chief Yosri Fouda in 2002, before their capture and before any torture. The interview is listed as part of the evidence again