
Efforts to Repeal State Death Penalties

As anticipated, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley announced Thursday that he will work to win the repeal of the state's death penalty during the second half of his term.

[H]is promised introduction of a death-penalty repeal bill will face strong opposition, probably leading to a major political battle. O'Malley said the death penalty is not a deterrent, wastes resources that could be better spent fighting violent crime and leaves the state open to the possibility of executing innocent people. "That risk alone should be enough to repeal it and substitute it with life without parole," he said.

A death penalty repeal bill has also been introduced in Nebraska.

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    Is O'Malley a Ctholic? (none / 0) (#1)
    by oldpro on Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 02:16:37 AM EST
    The church does not favor the death penalty.

    Nebraska? (none / 0) (#2)
    by weltec2 on Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 08:37:58 P