watching now. On all but Biden, he rocked.
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The speech is brilliant, and he is delivering it brilliantly.
The two of them, Hillary and Bill, are brilliant, and brave.
And now Bill is hitting the Republicans.
This is good.
Ohhh, the Big Dawg definitely sent a chill up my leg on that one. ;)
You should thank the gods for the Clintons in the Democratic party. They're the only successful brand we've had in 50 years. They know how to to do bipartisanship to achieve liberal goals without caving to Republicans. Obama does not. Parent
I dislike Obama as much as I do Bill, but to say he is more conservative than Bill is ridiculous. Can you provide examples? On several issues (mandatory minimum sentences, don't ask don't tell) he's more progressive than Bill was. Remember, this was the president who put an embargo on Iraq that was responsible for, according to the UN, the deaths of 5,000 children a month and whose Secretary of State said that the price was worth it.
Now that we've seen how disastrous conservative policies actually are we should be rejecting Clinton's neo-liberalism-lite. Unfortunately, Obama is only a small step left of the Clintons. It's ridiculous that our Democratic Party is farther to the right than European conservatives. Parent
Please give me just one issue where Obama is truly to the left of Hillary Clinton. I can give you several issues on which Hillary is to the left of Obama (UHC, NCLB, FISA, how to address the subprime mess, etc.). And yes, she is a bigger fan of regulations than Senator "Chicago School" Obama. And please don't give me crap about the Iraq war vote. I agree with you that the sanctions against Iraq were awful, but they were the byproduct of Gulf War I and imposed before Clinton came to office. Obama was a huge fan of GWI, and his differences with McCain on our FP are purely operational--he merely wants to more redirect our present troop capacity to Afghanistan than McCain does. I'm sure that's going to work out just great.
If you feel the way you do about the Clintons, you sure as hell shouldn't vote for Obama. Parent
He is doing an amazing job. He is unparalleled. Parent
I can see it now.
Bill is GREAT.
The Man from Hope in action. Loved it. And so did Hillary :) Parent
And he's making the case, as Hillary did last night, for Democratic values.
One man Woodstock. "If you believe that America is still a place called hope, join Hillary and me in electing Barack Obama president of the United States."
What a man. What a husband. I'd forgive him for cheating too. Parent
Did you see him last night, mouthing the words, "I love you, I love your forever" during her speech?
So many cynics have said that theirs is an opportunistic, loveless marriage. However badly Bill has behaved -- and he has -- with his womanizing, I've never had any doubt that he loves her, and she him. Parent
Adultery is not a good thing for any or a pleasant thing for the one cheated on. But every person, I hope, is more than their sins, their weaknesses.
Hillary knows Bill and still loves him, warts and all. True love is not just because of, but also a lot of inspite of.... I have always believed there was love between them...having hard times does not erase the love. Parent
I believe Hillary could have done what he did tonight - extol Obama personally and make the case that he is ready to be president (even though he's not).
And even though Bill probably harbors more justified resentment against Obama for what he said about Bill in the primaries, Bill chose to take this bullet for her. Because he loves her. And she let him, for the same reason.
Greater love hath no man.
(Sorry if this is maudlin; I've resorted to gin to soften the disappointment over what might have been)
And it reminds me of the way his appearance in Hillary's intro video last night was labeled: Hillary's husband. Some people, believe it or not, thought that was disrespectful of a former president. I thought it was a wonderfully humorous way to identify him, and evidence of his devotion to her. Parent
Obama, you'd better grovel (in private, of course) and try to emulate him and his appeal to the people.
Let's see if four years has taught Kerry how to do red meat. Parent
Kerry Richardson Biden
wake me up when it's November 5th Parent
Kerry is so boring that even he looks like he's in a coma. Parent
Did he get the shaft? Could the stars have aligned on this night for Bill to be embraced by everyone there before a jealous Clyburn and have Richardson get the shaft?
I hope there is a God. And I hope even more that Richardson got the shaft because Bill went over. Parent
I tried to listen to Kerry but all I heard was "blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah". Parent
She can't handle the truth so she will spin to justify her nastiness for the last six months.
And did you notice that Bill called McCain and the Republicans embrace extreme views about foreign policy?
"Why would you reward the past eight years with four more?"
When Democrats define Republicans as extreme (and Republicans are extreme), they win. Parent
Hopefully after the one-two punch of Hillary and Bill, they will have them out on the road making that pitch over and over between now and November.
Tweety suggests sending Bill out with Obama to help Barack "with those white rural voters." Um, I don't think so, Tweety. Because then someone will complain that Bill is hogging the spotlight. Parent
heh heh heh.
Two stronger people in politics I have not seen.
They showed Michelle for just a few seconds there after the speech. She looked pretty lonely, maybe a bit uneasy.
Tough job being a First Lady. Parent
paraphrase: People were afraid the Clintons would overshadow Obama. But they didn't, and now Hillary and Biden can go all over the country campaigning for Obama.
Isn't that wonderful.
WTF?! Parent
Makes me wonder what they have planned for the inauguration. Maybe they're already arranging to transport the Bird's Nest from Beijing. Parent
The Dawg abides. Parent
Of course, what I really want to do is direct. Parent
Perhaps BC can convince me to vote for Obama. I kind of doubt it, but it's at least possible.
Plus, he said that Obama has "the intelligence that is essential in any successful president." He has the "judgment" and "understanding" that "America has always had more power when it leads by example, rather than with an example of its power...He will use diplomacy first, and force only as a last resort." But if it comes to that, "he will stand up" to any enemy.
It was good. It wasn't just lesser of two evils. Hillary made the economic case yesterday. The economy was yesterday's theme. Tonight was national security night, and Bill made his pitch primarily on those terms.
Heh. MSNBC goes to commercial during Kerry's speech. Now he's back. Heh, he made a fooly on McCain, and himself. Accusing McCain of being a flip-flopper, he said "Talk about being in favor of it before he was against it. Before he debates Barack Obama, he needs to finish the debate with himself." Parent
He gave the speech they needed him to, but I truly think that as people listen to it again - and they will - they are going to have more than a few "huh?" moments.
I keep getting the feeling that instead of coming to the podium to celebrate this next logical step in the career of someone who has a real list of accomplishments, many of these people seem to be trying to talk themselves and the crowd into believing that Obama's the right person for this job.
It's like Peter Pan exhorting us to clap really, really hard so Tinkerbell won't die. Parent
Pretty smart thing to say, too, since it helps to lessen some any lingering disappointment among the Clintons and their supporters over the VP pick. Biden is the pick, the ticket is settled, and there's no political advantage in bellyaching about what might have been or in endorsing Biden in tepid ways that reveal an ongoing personal bitterness. Parent
something like the world has always responded to us [USA] when we lead by
the power of our example, than by the example of our power
hope to find exact phrase. Parent
About the right length too. Had he gone on another 10 minutes, the MCM would have been foaming about how he was trying to make it all about himself or how he was trying to outshine Hillary. Carl Bernstein would talk gravely and pompously about this latest "Clintonian psychodrama".
As for Kerry, dont' get me started about why that guy wimped out at his 2004 convention. Dukakis just apologized, finally, to the public for running a lousy campaign in 88 and opening the door to years of misrule by two Bushes. Kerry also needs to step up and apologize. Parent
Obama is being propped up by the party.
He'd better stand on his own two feet, tout de suite, or you'll be wanting him to apologize too. Parent
Very bad use of a vital natural Democratic Party resource.
lol, that's the funniest news I've heard all day. Parent
Did the Obama campaign really refuse to have signs printed up for Bill Clinton? Oooof. I've missed any links to that--anyone have it? t/u Parent
Overall, the 2000 and 2004 conventions were much better than this one too. Parent
Okay. Having trouble believing he really thinks that.
I would vote for Bill Clinton again in a heartbeat, and am so glad he got the prolonged applause and cheers.
If they were smart, they would have had Bill introduce Joe Biden, and not put the deadly dull Kerry up next, followed by Bill Richardson. Ugh.
And he probably believes he's accurate in his accusations about the Clintons, which is really scary.
I think the unbridled ovation he received is partly due to what the people could not quite express toward Hillary when she took the podium.
I wish I could say I was swayed.
Clinton told us what Obama would do. I am not so sure.
I am curious to hear Obama's speech.
And, of course, defining Dem Party values, since no one on the Obama campaign does that kind of thing. Parent
I am expecting my pony in the mail any day now. Parent
But it's wrong. Bill was never gone. The dufus American Idol lovers bought the "sound byte" rovian campaign against the Clintons....... the sad part is that what we saw tonight was what has always scared the right wing.
The republicans KNOW how Bill can get the dems excited and gone which is why they spent 15 years trashing him and Hillary personally. The so called young lefties bought it hook line an sinker and think tonight's Bill is different.... sad but true.
Bill and Hillary are good dems, have never been racist and work hard. But try convincing the Maddows of the world, and the Matthews and Gergens and Todds.
But on the national stage when Bill was running you had to be living on another planet to not see what the right was trying to do. Parent
And talking about trashing and smearing good people under the title of "Obamabots" by the way. Priceless! Parent
Like people in Wall Street study economics?
You are too funny, but dangerously naive. Parent
As he was coming out, of course they played "Don't Stop..."
Just after he finished they played a little bit of some version of "Happy Day" then when he left the stage and was shaking hands, they played "Addicted to Love".
Disgusting. They just can't seem to help themselves. After hearing that speech, I hope they are really embarrassed now because it really makes them look bad, and that's an understatement.
also want to say, I've seen the "bad cover comment" more than once. It's a live band playing these songs and that's great. God forbid real musicians should actually get a gig and get paid, instead of using canned music, or even original recordings. This is a Democratic Party function. We use Union the AF(of)M Parent
I say pay live musicians, or live with karoke forever. Parent
How about "Addicted to Love?" Got an answer for that one?
For instance, after Ted Kennedy spoke, they played "Still the One"
After Michelle Obama spoke, they played "Isn't She Lovely"
For Joe Biden, before he was introduced, they played the theme from "Rocky". After he finished, they played "The Rising".
After Bill Clinton spoke, they played "Addicted to Love". Huh? One of these things, is not like the other. I'd love to hear your rationalization for that one. Parent
But let me cut to the chase. The pundits were worried that the Clinton's would overshadow Obama's nomination. They are right on that point, and very rightfully so. No matter how much they endorsed Obama, when the two of them take the stage, there is no comparison. And the differences are accentuated , just like in the debates. Let's just call it for what it is.
Damn it, why people/dems didn't want them back at WH, I still can't figure it out.
Your lights are on, but youre not home Your mind is not your own Your heart sweats, your body shakes Another kiss is what it takes You cant sleep, you cant eat Theres no doubt, youre in deep Your throat is tight, you cant breathe Another kiss is all you need Whoa, you like to think that youre immune to the stuff, oh Yeah Its closer to the truth to say you cant get enough, you Know youre Gonna have to face it, [you're addicted to love]*
You cant sleep, you cant eat Theres no doubt, youre in deep Your throat is tight, you cant breathe Another kiss is all you need
Whoa, you like to think that youre immune to the stuff, oh Yeah
Its closer to the truth to say you cant get enough, you Know youre
Gonna have to face it, [you're addicted to love]*
And the winning strategy is not to expect me to forget. But to keep speaking out against the hate they preach.
That is the winning strategy.
Do you suppose he was a phony????
God bless the Greatest Generation. Parent
I am pretty amused at the thought that you might actually believe they sat some random old guy next to Michelle Obama and pretended he was Obama's great-uncle that liberated a concentration camp. Are you the ambassador from No Quarter? Parent
Bill Clinton clearly just said, Obama is not a cult. He is a Democratic Party that wins.
Finally! For me this is a speech that vindicated my support of Democrats since I was 15, my sweaty summer of canvassing for the DNC. It's all worth it, because we know what's going on.
And did anyone hear, I think Carville, say Bill and Obama will be together in SE Ohio?
Kiss Ohio goodbye, McCain.
For those of us who will vote the Democratic ticket in November without enthusiasm for the nominee part is the disingenuousness of his life story and his seeming disrespect for the accomplishments of his mother. I can still remember the 1st Obama ad I saw and it referenced her cancer and then later stories focused on her single parent status and food stamps.
Not once have I heard him speak of her PhD or trailblazing feminism. Too bad because even more than that distant great uncle she made him. Parent
If it's common knowledge then it should be very easy to educate me, the ignorant petitioner. I'm waiting for your lesson. Parent
And I hope both Joe Biden and Barack Obama can follow these acts with inspiring speeches of their own, and that they are given a fair chance by any remaining skeptics in sharing their visions. No one needs to follow Hillary and Bill just because they support Obama for President, but I think they both made a compelling case to at least listen with open minds and hearts. Parent
He didn't even know his great uncle. Not like he grew up getting words of wisdom at the guy's knee.
Kerry did say those darned Rovian campaign methods WILL NOT WORK this time. Considering Axelrod is the one using them, that's unfortunate.
This phraseology is right out of the Bush play book.
It means absolutely nothing.
And with all due respect to Bill, whom I love and who gave a good speech, I don't think Obama is on the right side of history as we move on towards November 2008 -- we are in two wars now, in 1992 America had successfully showed its muscle in Kuwait and the public mood was that peace seemed guaranteed, so national security was not a key issue and the country was ready to take a chance on a young, relatively inexperienced governor; the Iraq issue has shifted in the last several months, with a credible argument existing that the surge is working and a kind of victory may be on the horizon there; Georgia (and I don't mean the Peach State) has brought national security front and center and looks to keep it there for the next two months. With all that, IMO Obama is now on the wrong side of history, and the country is not ready to take a chance the way it did on Clinton in 1992. We'll see.
not even close. Parent
Some comic relief
No. I didn't think so. Parent
I have only watched Hillary and Bill's speeches.
I try to listen... BUT it is just too boring!
More pundit madness: The CW that Obama's suck-up to this "new" demographic armed with magical tech no one ever heard of before -- cell phones with text messaging -- will bring out all these new voters that no one's seen in promised force till now, but will DEFINITELY show up on Election Day.
Apparently there's some element or force within 25-yr old tech that will be unleashed -- not previously seen in a non-Clinton-hating capacity -- that no one but Team Obama can tapped into.
Republicans of all ages, for example, will be denied access and power over this tech.
In no place in that speech did Bill say "I BELIEVE Barack Obama is ready to be President of the United States."