
Ralph Nader's Irrelevancy

I have an op-ed today over at Pajamas Media -- Will the Real Ralph Nader Please Stand Up?

What a sad decline from the consumer advocate in the 50’s to the man who can’t say no to his decade-long vanity project — running for president. Ralph Nader has become irrelevant, says Jeralyn Merritt.

Yesterday's Blogometer has a good compilation of liberal bloggers' reactions to Nader's announcement.

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    We'll never have a third party (5.00 / 2) (#10)
    by TeresaInSnow2 on Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 04:07:22 PM EST
    If third parties never run for prez because, "you'll spoil our candidate, you can't win!"

    SHUT UP!

    I personally want a third party.  I don't want our politicians to take the base for granted just because they figure we have no place else to go.

    A third party would help to correct that problem.