
Obama catches HRC in latest CNN Texas primary poll

CNN Politics.com is reporting that a new poll suggests the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination between Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois is a statistical dead heat in Texas. Really?

More below the fold.

CNN Politics reports:

In the survey, out Monday, 50 percent of likely Democratic primary voters support Clinton as their choice for the party's nominee, with 48 percent backing Obama.

But taking into account the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 4½ percentage points for Democratic respondents, the race is a virtual tie

How do people explain this? Don't the demographics favor HRC in Texas? If so, why the change?

To read more click here.

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    Do you have a link for methodology (none / 0) (#1)
    by Virginian on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 11:11:05 PM EST
    on this poll? I've been trying to find it all day to no avail.