Rocky Mountain News Bashes Bush Over Telecom Immunity
It's not often that the Rocky Mountain News editorial board takes President Bush to task.
Today it does just that, over his complaints about the House of Representatives' balking at the extension of his warrantless wiretapping program and his threat to veto any bill that does not include retroactive immunity for telecoms who cooperated with the National Security Agency.
The Rocky does not mince words:
Earlier this week, President Bush actually suggested that al-Qaida operatives are watching the calendar, poised to plot new attacks freely with Congress absent - and U.S. intelligence officials will be largely powerless to stop them.Don't insult the American public, Mr. President. You'll still have the ability to wiretap suspected terrorists - and the warrantless surveillance powers in the bill are valid until August.
It also opines that we need the lawsuits against the telecoms to go forward so the public can see whether privacy rights were trampled. [More...]