Pass The Colombian Free Trade Pact . . . . Next Year
The NYTimes argues for passage of the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. I agree with that position. But I disagree with passing it now. The Times writes:
We don’t say it all that often, but President Bush is right: Congress should pass the Colombian free-trade agreement now.
The Times is right on the merits but wrong on the timing. Why? Because we just held a national election where the issue of trade was prominent. I imagine the rush to pass it now is because it is not likely to pass with the new Congress and the new President. If that is so, so be it. Elections have consequences. Unlike the economic crisis or the auto bailout, where immediate action is paramount, passage of the Colombian Free Trade Agreement does not require immediate action.
When George Bush won the election in 2004, the continuation of his disastrous Iraq Debacle is what the people voted for. Even though we did not like it. When the Democrats won the 2006 election, the Iraq Debacle should have been ended. Because that is what the people voted for (that it did not is the fault of the cowardly Dem Congress.) Democracy must be respected, whether we like the results or not.
By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only
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