
Free the Norfolk Four

This 2006 post asked Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine to pardon the Norfolk Four. Four sailors confessed to raping and murdering Michelle Moore-Bosko in Norfolk after they were threatened with the death penalty if they maintained their innocence. The evidence is strong that a different man is telling the truth when he says that he committed the crime alone.

Perhaps Gov. Kaine will do the right thing this year, now that 30 retired FBI agents who reviewed the case have concluded that the servicemen are innocent.

The former agents join a long list of unusual supporters, including four former Virginia attorneys general; 12 former state and federal judges and prosecutors; and a past president of the Virginia Bar Association, who have called for the men to be pardoned.

One sailor has been released from prison but three others are serving life sentences. What are you waiting for, Gov. Kaine? Give them an early Christmas present. Send them home to their families where they belong.

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    Seriously... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by kdog on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 08:20:57 AM EST
    Kaine needs to get on the ball and do the right thing...justice delayed is justice denied.

    Why are the powers that be always the last to see the light?

    massive injustice (5.00 / 1) (#2)
    by txpublicdefender on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 08:50:50 AM EST
    This case is the biggest case of injustice based on authorities trying to cover their asses after getting clearly false confessions that I have ever seen.  It is so completely clear that these men are innocent.  Only an idiot or someone so completely biased by their original involvement in the investigation would think otherwise (or the victims' family that has clearly been brainwashed by authorities).

    For more info, (none / 0) (#3)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Wed Nov 12, 2008 at 12:43:03 PM EST
    there's an 8 page article from the NY Times that makes an extremely compelling case about the innocence of the 4 defendants.

    otoh, there's also an article in the WaPo archives written by one of the Tice trial jury members who expresses his absolute confidence in Tice's guilt. (I don't have a subscription to WaPo so I can't access the whole article.)