
The Media Darlings: NYTimes Ridiculously Equates McCain and Obama On Youth Appeal

Ok, here is the new worst alleged news article of the campaign:

McCain And Obama Share Little But Appeal To Youth

In the Republican ranks, Mr. McCain, 71, is a curious bookend to Mr. Obama. He is the oldest candidate in either party. Yet he draws hundreds of young people at some events. Mr. McCain drew many hundreds when he spoke at Dartmouth, a number exceeded only by the 2,000 students who showed up for Mr. Obama.

Are you freaking kidding me? Obama just rewrote the book on the youth vote in Iowa where McCain got stomped; Obama is leading by incredible margins among young voters and McCain is leading not at all.

This article is simply a lie to puff up the Media Darling John McCain. Yet again the New York Times proves that its political coverage is simply execrable. And that John MCain is a Media Darling. Obama has some strong competition on that front from McCain. But NOT in appealing to young voters.

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    fix your headline (none / 0) (#1)
    by Judith on Mon Jan 07, 2008 at 11:27:01 PM EST
    Obama and mccain, not edwards