
Tsunami Tuesday: Clinton Targets Primaries, Obama Vies for Caucuses

The Washington Post reports on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's differing strategies for winning delegates on Tsunami Tuesday, February 5.

Hillary is targeting four big primary states, California, New York, New Jersey and Arkansas, while Obama is gearing up for the six caucusing states -- Kansas, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, Alaska and Idaho.

Another Obama strategy:

In New Jersey, one of his targets is independent voters. In Georgia and Alabama, he is seeking to replicate his South Carolina strategy by targeting African Americans.

It's not just about winning a state because there's delegates to be had even for coming in second. For example, [More...]

The [Obama]campaign is also tackling the No. 2 prize of New York by congressional district, seeking to capitalize on a rule that would grant Obama two-fifths of all delegates if he can hit the 31 percent mark in each district. "We don't plan to win New York, but we do plan to take a lot of delegates out of there," Hildebrand said. The Clinton team has the same approach in Illinois.

Which strategy do you think will be more successful?

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    by athyrio on Wed Jan 23, 2008 at 01:39:59 AM EST